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!504Nasrion Avatar
over 2 years ago

And yes I agree that this track shouldn't be here but it does not give you the right to sit here and complain about it if it is already featured. We might as well hope that the next feature is made inside of soundation and not something random :/

!504Nasrion Avatar
over 2 years ago

I'm not saying that blezz is doing a bad job at being the Community Manager im just simply saying that he should listen to the entire track that he is going to feature and see the feedback on it. Instead of just using the trending page as a "guide" because like a lot of u stated, regardless of its Dubstep, EDM, Trap, Pop, Whatever, There are A TON of underrated producers on this platform that deserves attention and as of now it does not seem like blezz is doing it. The last 3 features were made by people that have over 500 followers.

!504Nasrion Avatar
over 2 years ago

Also consider that when Kai was featuring tracks trap or not ever single aspect of those tracks were made in soundation, Only one of two tracks that I made that got featured was completely made using only soundation instruments, etc. But as of now what I was getting at is that blezz seems to only be featuring trap tracks that were basically made outside of soundation and to me that basically defeats the entire purpose of the featured page.

!504Nasrion Avatar
over 2 years ago

@CROSSbones i see what your getting at and tbh I only said "2 features" cause I was mad at the comments.

Eden Pigeon โ™ช Avatar
Eden Pigeon โ™ช
over 2 years ago

crossbones spitting strait fax, the rest of yall are pretty much just too cracked out at this point

Eden Pigeon โ™ช Avatar
Eden Pigeon โ™ช
over 2 years ago

"really talented trap producers"

Eden Pigeon โ™ช Avatar
Eden Pigeon โ™ช
over 2 years ago

fix stop tweakin, this track shouldnt even be on here bc it was made in FL

CROSSbones Avatar
over 2 years ago

And out of the last 10 features, there's been 1 ambient, 1 downtempo, 1 prog house, 1 chiptune edm, and 6 trap features. There's a difference between being recognized and taking over

CROSSbones Avatar
over 2 years ago

Lets also be clear that if we're talking more normal trap beats (unlike this feature), they're simply easier than EDM or other electronic genres. Just a fact. And I say that as someone who makes primarily trap

CROSSbones Avatar
over 2 years ago

And Nas, "only 2 features"? C'mon now bruh thats more than 90% of Soundation's users get
