
yo, i wanted to start a group, so here we are. post whatever you want, as much as you want. there's pretty much no rules. feel free to promote others and yourself, and have fun :)
ps if you want a feature pm me a link to your song and i will decide whether to feature it or not
follow lil taco he is too underrated --->
sub on yt 👽
yo, i wanted to start a group, so here we are. post whatever you want, as much as you want. there's pretty much no rules. feel free to promote others and yourself, and have fun :)
ps if you want a feature pm me a link to your song and i will decide whether to feature it or not
follow lil taco he is too underrated --->
sub on yt 👽

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73474 months ago
hey i'm remaking balloon by tyler, the creator.
Lil HotRod5 months ago
posted first song in a while. please give it a listen. It's called What They Want
ithroundstr6 months ago
73476 months ago
i need help with music. pm me pls.
7347a year ago
hey everyoneeee!!!!! idk if anyone sees this but i'm planning a small COLLABORATION ALBUM titled "collabs by lael" and i would like to start recruiting people to collab with me for the album. PM me if you're interested.
7347a year ago
HEY GUYS!!! MECHANICALISM++ (aka deluxe) IS OUT NOW!!! it includes 7 NEW TRACKS!! i hope you guys enjoy it (if you even listen to it) pls listen to it i'm beggingg
7347a year ago
HEY EVERYONE!!! my new album titled MECHANICALISM (yes that is a real word ig..?) is out now!!! if you can plssss give it a listen i would really appreciate it.. there is a deluxe version coming out soon so plz don't miss it. ok thanks :)))))
esp743a year ago
Check out Saxofire - first track in 3 years!
7347a year ago
hey its lael. this is my new acc just so you know.
RICHZa year ago