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#Collab Group Profile Picture
Created December 28, 2018


Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!

Soundation’s Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.

Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!


Katze Avatar
about 5 years ago

@skyez *good, not food lol

Katze Avatar
about 5 years ago

@skyez yeah pretty much, although I have heard some of your songs and you're a pretty food producer :D @patrioticlionheart self proclaimed Nazis do still exist, but I agree the left calls people nazis without justification for it. @DJ_LS where the soundation logo is there's some links to click on, Studio, Learn, Community, Sound Shop, and Pricing. Click on pricing and select premium and go through the payment process. If you don't want to pay for it, there aren't any free options apart from if you win the cttc challenge

Pitly Avatar
about 5 years ago

Is there anyone that can help me with giving premium to me cuz I am a student music producer and i need to at least spread the word about my music

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
about 5 years ago

Chords Play I gotta agree with Keylime here. There are political nut balls out there who can't be reasoned with, like the democratic freak that shot up that one concert in Las Vegas, the conservative freak who was targeting democrats with pipe bombs, and the moron who said that prostitution should be legal.....What i'm trying to say is not everyone is able to be reasoned with. Especially people who are driven by hate and ignorance.

Skyez Avatar
about 5 years ago

i don' think anyone except chordsboy has been here long enough to know who i am

Skyez Avatar
about 5 years ago


ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

Good point :/

Also I'm glad though that there's people like you who can both notice flawed logic and be brave enough to mention it xD

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
about 5 years ago

If they aren't calm or rational people in the first place, calm reasoning wont calm them down, they'll instead stick to their favorite tactic.

I don't care what one's political standpoint is, I'll point out flawed logic and loopholes regardless. On Facebook, I'm a newsfeed lurker, and experience both hardcore lefts and rights.

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

Seriously though, I think to have an extreme political view is bad, because no matter what that view is, you will almost certainly act like a child to try to force your ideologies on others. My political ideology is a mild version of what PatrioticLionHeart says. I dislike how free speech is becoming rarer and rarer on the internet just because a select few might make social media companies look bad, but at the same time, I do think that we should all strive to encourage respect. That should never involve censorship though. It should involve explanation and calm reasoning to calm people down.

ChordsBoy Avatar
about 5 years ago

AcTuAlLy yOu'Re wRoNg aNd I'm sO OfFenDed oMg yOu arE litEraLly PuRe eViL i'M tELLinG oN yoUuuUUUUuu
