Newbies Corner
Hej! Ciao! Hola! Hello! We see you've found the new Soundation's Newbies Corner. :)Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Where you're from, what's your audio background, who are your musical heroes, what are your dream collabs. Feel free to post a question here if you're curious about anything - there are no stupid questions. And if you are a Soundation pro, please don't hesitate to offer your experience and wisdom. We all had to start somewhere!
Lettuce's Wonderful Kitchen
Welcome to lettuce's wonderful kitchen, feel free to join the community! There is no rules, do whatever you want i guess. Kitchen chefs: IceBearz, AlphaWolf, Eden Pigeon. I will try to feature tracks when i'm active.
Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
United Federation of Furries (U.F.F)
This is a group for furries that have musical talent. If you are a furry and you know how to jam or make a beat sound awesome youre in the right place!
DJ Skullblast10 months ago
Time flies by too fast. I'm scared that I'm not living my life up to the fullest and it'll be too late.