I figured you were obsessed
Keep on trying don't give up! @BakedButterCroissant
Haha could be idk @ccccccccccccce
that language is actually chinese -- japanese originally took the chinese language as thier own language, and some of it still stuck. the pronounciation is probably different tho.
im tryin to make a song with the koto thing but not really jaapanese sigh
first like yassss
I figured you were obsessed
Ghost (Absent)
Keep on trying don't give up! @BakedButterCroissant
Ghost (Absent)
Haha could be idk @ccccccccccccce
Fingy Toes
that language is actually chinese -- japanese originally took the chinese language as thier own language, and some of it still stuck. the pronounciation is probably different tho.
im tryin to make a song with the koto thing but not really jaapanese sigh
first like yassss