For the quiet parts, add some extra percussions and effects to help fill the empty spaces. Maybe use a compressor or limiter on the master so the volume can be more consistent. I think it could use a harder kick and some bass. Instead of just the piano. Use other sounds and automate them in and out. Add some counter melodies or leads too. And for the noiser use a filter instead of the volume (I think it sounds better like that).
Vicious V53
For the quiet parts, add some extra percussions and effects to help fill the empty spaces. Maybe use a compressor or limiter on the master so the volume can be more consistent. I think it could use a harder kick and some bass. Instead of just the piano. Use other sounds and automate them in and out. Add some counter melodies or leads too. And for the noiser use a filter instead of the volume (I think it sounds better like that).
@JosHakam I got some inspiration of the beat type from other EDM tracks that I have listened but besides that it it all me and 100% soundation.
@Aikue ik it is kinda creepy, it might be part of a club at my school though that I was once part of. It is actually how I found soundation.
Lets go!
trendz lmao
The all made accounts on 26th of oct
Why so many bots in the likes
Feel like I've heard this before....