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Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

So it seems my new most channels is now 74 with my Electric Zoo cover.

ohokay Avatar
over 5 years ago

35 channels is my most lol

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

To be fair, some of the channels are just for sound effects. Like how there is a channel only for the organ sting at 4:34, or a channel just for a drum fill. The effect at 4:40 took two channels, 2 channels just for the clap and click sound at the fade out, 2 channels for the brief Morse code moment, etc. So a lot of those little things perhaps added up, and the middle part also had mostly different instrumentation like the pads and such.

123 Avatar
over 5 years ago

also, that robotic voice sounds like it's saying yeaitgh. (If blueface was a robot)

123 Avatar
over 5 years ago

awh mun, mi ment tou spel et "uw", "en", und "lern". Sury. mi fele soe dub broe... fr tho this is really good man, and for fuck sake 44 audio channels!!!!???!?!?!? the most i've had in one song is prob like 12. lmao(prob less but lets just say 12 k)

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

@NOAH-ALEXANDER You spelt "uh", "in", and "learn" correctly. How could you?

123 Avatar
over 5 years ago

uh acordin too mi caculations u speled funktin rong in de titel. u ar verrry verrry dum dood, learn huw too spel.

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

@INFINITE I mostly listen to F-777 (I about only listened to F-777 for around 5 years after discovering him in 2010) and MDK, and maybe sometimes to seldomly EnV, xtrullor, waterflame, or boomkitty, or when I had a synthwave phase I would listen to Absolute Valentine, Droid Bishop, and Turbo Knight, and for an existential/meditative fix, I would listen to c418 (responsible for minecraft soundtrack) or Jake Chudnow (responsible for a lot of the music Vsauce uses).

ohokay Avatar
over 5 years ago

me feedback of your feedback to my feedback is... fix the fact that you dont listen to colbreakz or Tokyo Machine.

Vacant Avatar
over 5 years ago

~Keylime Pie 2018
