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Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013 Group Profile Picture
Created February 10, 2013

Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013

This group is for anyone registered in the Coursera course “Introduction to Digital Sound Design” from Jan-Feb, 2013. Participants will post one-minute compositions for listening and voting. Parameters and rules for the composition will be posted on the Coursera.org site on Monday, Feb. 18, 2013.


Vanessa Van Gilder Avatar
Vanessa Van Gilder
over 11 years ago

I really like not only hearing how everyone's tracks can sound so different but also seeing the difference. So I think it'd be great if we could also share a screenshot of our boards! Here's mine: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8230/8502753439_090545a90b_o.png with the volume automation showing and the bottom two note clips' wub machine displays. And here's the track, Sagano, if you'd like to hear: http://soundation.com/group/coursera-intro-to-dig-snd-design-feb-2013/tracks?page=20&search[meta_sort]=created_at.asc reminiscent of my bicycle day trip to Arashiyama. Hope to see yours too!

Shakeatron Avatar
over 11 years ago

My track is the first one on this page: http://soundation.com/group/coursera-intro-to-dig-snd-design-feb-2013/tracks?page=26 Please listen and if you like it please vote or heart it, thanks :) track title 'Jake S - Living for the night'

hushsh Avatar
over 11 years ago

so here is my first track. a bit noisy: http://soundation.com/user/hushsh/track/a-park-in-hell

Claudia Avatar
over 11 years ago

Lots to be explore and learn! Thanks Steve! http://soundation.com/user/claudiachau/track/night-out

Diafemme Avatar
over 11 years ago

Hi, I published with pride: http://soundation.com/user/diafemme/track/wheels. Thanks for the explanation and good lessons!

adg2467 Avatar
over 11 years ago

Here is my track. In the distant future, a band of space-age pirates travel the galaxies in search of adventure and treasure. This is their story. I hope you enjoy it. http://soundation.com/user/adg2467/track/intergalactic-pirates-of-the-carribean

qi Avatar
over 11 years ago

This is my first piece of electronica in Soundation, it's called Hmmmm and it's at the top of page 34: http://soundation.com/group/coursera-intro-to-dig-snd-design-feb-2013/tracks?page=34 Hope you like it, please vote. Many thanks to Steve for a wonderful course.

dot_mag Avatar
over 11 years ago

Just voted for you Gingerman, nice bit of sound design ;) good idea re voting, I'm 3rd down on this page http://soundation.com/group/coursera-intro-to-dig-snd-design-feb-2013/tracks?page=14 should anyone feel so inclined...
