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Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013 Group Profile Picture
Created February 10, 2013

Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013

This group is for anyone registered in the Coursera course “Introduction to Digital Sound Design” from Jan-Feb, 2013. Participants will post one-minute compositions for listening and voting. Parameters and rules for the composition will be posted on the Coursera.org site on Monday, Feb. 18, 2013.


Henri Augusto Avatar
Henri Augusto
over 11 years ago

Synthesizing madness, frenetic rythms and disquieting melodies! http://soundation.com/user/henriaugusto/track/idiosyncratic-synth-quartet-soundation-version If you're wondering how the hell i did recorded this, i recommend reading this post and sharing it as i think a lot of people would love to know that Soundation actually offers this feature for free. https://class.coursera.org/digitalsounddesign-001/forum/thread?thread_id=1230

over 11 years ago

http://soundation.com/user/metal-mother/track/jazz-hans-1 One minute of erm......something. Great course and thanks Steve

nyllewell Avatar
over 11 years ago

Thank you Steve. Great course, fantastic teacher. You pointed out to us many different directions towards the path of sound design. Now it is up to us.

davkt8 Avatar
over 11 years ago

http://soundation.com/user/davkt8/track/tuning-the-coffee-shop-radio A first go and lots to learn about composition, but good fun playing with the soundation toys!

Atsuko Avatar
over 11 years ago

Hi, guys, I enjoyed the course very much! Thanks, prof. Steve!! You open up a vast world for me. http://soundation.com/user/atsuko/track/oneminute

dbruzzone Avatar
over 11 years ago

Hello everyone!... I misunderstood and thought this was due last week so my track is longer than a minute (but is shorter than two minutes) and doesn't include some of the elements specified in the assignment... http://soundation.com/user/dbruzzone/track/designing-digital-sound

vivus-ignis Avatar
over 11 years ago

Kind of dark mood composition (actually not a minute, but a minute and a half). Thanks for listening. http://soundation.com/user/vivus-ignis/track/hallo

minusas Avatar
over 11 years ago

Thanks a lot for this course Steve! and here is my "sound minute": http://soundation.com/user/minusas/track/boat_trip

walpod Avatar
over 11 years ago

great course, thank you Steve! I tried out the Noiser feature: http://soundation.com/user/walpod/track/battlefield

ihowie Avatar
over 11 years ago

863 members and 380 tracks. Is that because there are others out there as absent-minded as me (it's age!!) I published my track yesterday, but forgot to post it to the group!!?? So here it is now - a day and a half later http://soundation.com/user/ihowie/track/what-happened-to-steelmaking Big thanks to Steve. Great course and now nearly 400 minutes of great sounds. Trying to listen to as many as possible. How about some collaborative composition? It's the latest trend in visual art - group pieces in the studio. All the best from the chilly Central Highlands of Scotland!
