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Life is like me having no idea how to contribute to this conversation :D
Key Lime Canid
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Except you do know what you're getting, chocolate. It's sweet while it lasts but then it becomes empty and crummy and gets thrown in the trash, and gives you many regrets once the negative health effects kick in. But then you realize...
...who would even gift you a box of chocolates in the first place? I guess sometimes you just don't get life, or a box of chocolates. As such, is represented in such a counterintuitive simile.
no offense i just had to make that joke
Life is like soundation. Lots of trash, and you want to kill yourself bc of it
Life is like Olive Garden. Lots of trash, but you love it nonetheless.
Key Lime Canid
Is life like an account, where users are granted a personalized body to experience life with?
Would death be a ban for life?
oh jeez, too deep
@VCNT_MND That was really deep
all the reasons
for that i might just quit life
yo what if we are all chromecloud alts