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Lettasu Avatar
over 3 years ago

pretty good. the drums are way too loud and you didnt change much on the sound design, but other than that, it's pretty good

Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)
over 3 years ago

other than that, its great. the sound design and melody is al there.

Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)
over 3 years ago

the drums dont seems to line up. keep the snare on the off beat. sure, jump around on the kick, but always play it safe with the snare. thats the sound people follow the track off.

Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)
over 3 years ago

i cant tell what time signature this is
