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Christmas contest Group Profile Picture
Created July 16, 2018

Christmas contest

Christmas is finally over!

Thank you for all your submissions! Excuse the delayed announcement. Unfortunately, there were a lot of songs that weren’t made using Soundation or couldn’t be verified so some of the runner-ups were disqualified.

Congratulations to the winners, expect a magic upgrade and a DM.


1st place

Hyphen was a bit OP in this contest, he’s had his share of features and it’s surprising he’s still squeezing things out on a free account. It’s time bro. Very smooth production and a nice play on the jingle bells melody.

2nd place

Hard trap beat with some Xmas elements in it, the mix is a bit off and it could need some more dynamics and switch-ups, but all in all, well played.

3rd place

Very well-arranged and full-bodied production. It would have landed second place if it had some Christmas in it. Mix tip: tune your compression wisely, dial it back a little bit and don’t go ham on it all the way through – the end result will sound a lot more professional.


Thanks Moon for putting this together!


4xharley Avatar
almost 2 years ago

lettasu is going to kill this one

Lettasu Avatar
almost 2 years ago

fuck yes

cvmbass Avatar
almost 2 years ago

wise words @overdoze lmao

blezz-beats Avatar
Soundation Crew
almost 2 years ago

Tried clearing out the comments for a fresh start of re-using the Start from scratch group but it was too much manual labor lol, so consider this the jumpoff of the new era. 99% of the credit goes to OFT for the preparations of pulling this off. All the research, the description and olodat, so I'm very grateful for that! We have a few contests in the pipeline now to keep them rolling with the help of the community. It's a great opportunity to try out some production that might be out of your comfort zone, those are among the best learning experiences + a chance at some nice prizes! GLHF

overdoze Avatar
almost 2 years ago

also, next time, just turn down your pc volume lmao

overdoze Avatar
almost 2 years ago

like honestly, i was listening to the submissions before you announced the winners and i was like "well this is just fucking crushing" there's a lot of food and lovely songs in here but not a whole lot of "headbangers". now i know people headbangs to fucking bluegrass but the examples you gave didnt really fit most of the submissions vibe

overdoze Avatar
almost 2 years ago

i don't think i would describe my song as just "high volume and harmonics" (i mean ffs, i sidechained the fucking drums lmao) but people seems to forget that it was your contest, you were the judge and you were choosing depending on your taste, not everyone else's. but please, next time, be more specific than just "headbanger" cause 3/4 of these submissions aren't headbang material (they're still really good tho ngl)

4xharley Avatar
almost 2 years ago

@hxppy that is a good question

4xharley Avatar
almost 2 years ago

thanks pete
