Skits has passed along leadership to me, and I will try to make it just as good as he left it :)
The contest will continue, and I have the bracket saved and showable to you guys here’s the link.
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@WhadupBro You keep asking about getting in but you don't have any publish tracks. >.<
Just checking in. Glad to see this group has returned to it's origonal state.
How could i get into this group? Im sorta new to this but i think im pretty good but i could create a new piece to show you if you would like or just let you listen to a recent one
Well, I tend to teach everyone stuff everyday! :) If you've a got a set of microphones, plug them in and type in "Seventh String Metronome", then you can set the tempo so your instrument isn't out of time. :D
Big Roshi
Oh I forgot soundation supports audiolocker. I've been making my piano song in the studio, which is extremely hard without a half note key or a quarter note or forte or any of the fundamentals of piano playing. But, maybe now I could make them a little higher quality and maybe even faster :) Heywatcha, you teach me new stuff everyday!
Well I convert my recording from wma (the default from) to wav. and import it into AudioLocker and I'm done, it's pretty easy! :) Oh and I'm not premium, I'm the account before premium. :)
Im completely free, no sound packs or anything. I was just wondering because since im free I can't import an .sng from a song with paid sounds in it. Actually i could if the loop is only used minisculely but if its a big part of the song then it will be omitted and make the song sound bad.
@SiKKaH - I have a premium account. How about you?
Big Roshi
how did you upload it to the player?
Okay, who is all premium in this group?