Music Is The Weapon
Hello! Make yourself at Home! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *•••◄Update►•••* *May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]* Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that's why i'm not putting any specific numbers. There's a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i'm practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want. After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *What the Group is about* This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else's creations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules* § *No Spamming* § *Be Organized* § *Respect Others* § *Be careful with your own Promotions* It shouldn't be that hard to follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured tracks* will be changed whenever I remember to change them.
The scourge
The scourge is a ancient dead group of humans! We are trying to make a big group as possible.. RULES: 1. Don´t use bad words 2. Don´t give comments about bad sucking music!
Welcome to the New E.R.A of music. The purpose of this group is all in the name.. New E.R.A. means "New *Empire of Rising Artists*"...this group is for new artists who show a special talent for music. This is also for the All-Stars, Masters, Pros, and the users who have been here for a while who have shown their skills...If you would like to join, leave a comment and I will check out your tracks...Reported Users WILL NOT BE INVITED! h2. Co-Admins _These are true leaders who will help me keep this group active and fun_ *"Mr MaJesTic":* h2. Requirements _You must meet one of these requirents to join..._ *I. You can't be a reported user...IF the CSI removes your reported status, you may be invited.* *II. If you are a well-known user with a clean record and you got skills, you'll be invited.* *If you are in a pro/all-star/elite group(like "SoA": , "Soundation Masters": , "Ministry of Soundation": .etc), you'll be be invited.* *Basicly You GOT TO HAVE SKILLZ!* *Also, you can't be a troll! Trolls aren't allowed! I WILL BE checking everyone's account to make sure they meet ALL requirements.* h2. Rules _If you fail these rules, you'll get kicked out..You CAN get redeemed(re-invited)_ *I. No Cursing* *II. No spamming* *ABSOLUTELY NO TROLLING! If you troll, you will get BANNED, not kicked out. When you're banned, you're gone for good.*
Knockout Music
HEY! knockout music is a group where anyone can share their music ...whether beginner med,or that has an message or music that is just -um-um-um ...(MUSIC)
musical F.U.N
This is pure musical fun!!!!!!! Do what you like and post it here! If you think any songs/tunes are really good, please like them. If you have any questions, write them in a comment and I will answer. I am looking for members so I would be grateful if you would join. This group was created by b0b. "Hope you enjoy!" GROUPS TO CHECK OUT!!! If you want your group mensioned, please put it in a comment. thanks, b0b
We Are A Band# and family# living in the world of music# we hope we inspire you through OJAKO. you cant understand us amigos but you can still LOVE us! keep the peace peeps (see what i did! ALLITERATION) #inspireGERNERATIONS LETS REGENERATE IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC. YOU DONT NEED NO TARDIS TOO BE IN OUR CLUB JUST SHOUT OJAKO amigo and the position is.... YOURS! #inspireGENERATIONS
soundation master
summer school of rock
you can up lode any song and get invited to rocin roll masters that is if you have good enough songs :D
deadmau5 creepers
top producers
create best music in the world will be published all over the internet by the N.H. Triple J. music group this group is full of producers all over the world come together and make music you are here doing something you love this is no competition this is love for what you do make music thats what were all here for so if your on soundation and you love to make music come on up to top producers and start your music making
THE BEST OF THE BEST oh a ya can see we are zombies
LoudArmy and B-Army
A group created by me and my bro,LS. Anyone can join Anyone can post tracks BE A PART OF OUR ARMY!!!!! Co-admin:LoudSystem Check out these guys: LoudSystem DJthunderstorm DJ Fox . Kest LoudSystem Note:Sup guys! LS here :) I just wanted to say that my activities in Soundantion Studio will probably stop.I may post a song or two sometimes, but it will be rare.
Music 4 Masters
This is Music 4 Masters, we will have new tracks featured every day. Feel free to post tracks,just have fun! YOU DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE A MUSIC MASTER!!!!!!!! You can ask me questions, post tracks, chat, just have fun! Music 4 Masters website coming soon!
helping me with creating songs for a trick shot clan.
Youngsonnyd12 years ago
yamani sick of lyrics sure