Factory of Variety

Factory of Variety
Hey.. I just wanted to try to make a group for a change.. no offence to those whos groups im attending. hope you dont get the wrong idea. .... anyone can join this group. no specific genres or contests and stuff. just used to share music more or less. and be social :)... 1.. no swearing. very little tolleration for that..2.. be freindly. no discrimination or bullying. and just have a good time
Hey.. I just wanted to try to make a group for a change.. no offence to those whos groups im attending. hope you dont get the wrong idea. .... anyone can join this group. no specific genres or contests and stuff. just used to share music more or less. and be social :)... 1.. no swearing. very little tolleration for that..2.. be freindly. no discrimination or bullying. and just have a good time
Factory of Variety


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paulinaomel Avatar
paulinaomel12 years ago
Hey, look at my track. Do u like my music?
Cyverbit Avatar
Cyverbit12 years ago
@Everyone: Check out the Team Soundation group. Andreas is conducting a poll for new SAM-1 instruments!
bubby9534 Avatar
bubby953413 years ago
Love how everybody's been using the new SPC instrument! Check out my new Lunchtime with Smosh remix!
Cyverbit Avatar
Cyverbit13 years ago
New track, Scary Carrots. Enjoy!
Manny Avatar
Manny13 years ago
Sup everybody crazy new beat i just posted "Get The Crowd Hyped"
bubby9534 Avatar
bubby953413 years ago
Check out "Electro house" Ive been experimenting with the new SPC and made some sick beats use headphones or turn bass up :)
Xodus Avatar
Xodus13 years ago
check out my two latest tracks, "Sorry 4 The Wait" & "Fire and Ice Alpha(Preview)"
Smrtr Thn A Fth Grdr Avatar
Smrtr Thn A Fth Grdr13 years ago
check out my new songs. 3 new ones just today. visit my profile and thanks for the invite