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Shout Outs Group Profile Picture
Created January 15, 2013

Shout Outs

Want to give someone a high-five for making progress on their music production journey? Care to give us tips on feature-worthy songs that fall off our radar? Or perhaps give a shout out to some submissions that don’t make it to the top of our competitions?
Here’s a group for a virtual pat on the back and all things wholesome. Post links to tracks or users on the comment section below. We might consider featuring tracks recommended here on top of the tracks posted in “Share Your Sounds” (#music genre) groups on the Community.
• Do not recommend yourself!
• Recommended tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Updated: 9 September 2019


Andreas Avatar
over 8 years ago

Looks like the troll got bored again counting his rocks under the bridge. Must be lonely down there. Anyways just to shed some light one this. The troll managed to write a few lines of html code which generated the pop up messages. And he managed to do this because we allow you guys to use html codes in messages. Nothing broken, nothing hacked. Just a troll being a troll. And again, like all modern websites, we don't save any passwords. No monetary transaction data is actually connected to the website. All transactions are handled by PayPal. In short nothing important is available to steal.

ozcii Avatar
over 8 years ago

It was said Gage, not 110% confirmed but we went on to do our research into this and all evidence points to him.

over 8 years ago

where IS a place for this type of discussion? (out of silly curiosity of course :P)

dxtr! Avatar
over 8 years ago

This group is not the place for this type of discussion you all :/

over 8 years ago

and this isn't a f***ing prank... nothing funny about hacking into a community

over 8 years ago

it isnt gage... If he was that smart, he wouldn't be stupid enough to get himself banned in my opinion.

DUTCH Avatar
over 8 years ago

Second accounts exist :p

Clever Whiz  Avatar
Clever Whiz
over 8 years ago

But he got banned

DUTCH Avatar
over 8 years ago

Pretty sure Mr. gage has something to do this

Nitelover  Avatar
over 8 years ago

Excuse my French but, Dear Fuckface, stop being a butthurt shit taster and take down your annoying cry for attention. You're not "fallen" you're just a whiny bitch.
