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pixeldancer (sc only) Avatar
pixeldancer (sc only)
almost 4 years ago

2020 edit @~Cheers!~ I'll try...? lol oof

pixeldancer (sc only) Avatar
pixeldancer (sc only)
about 5 years ago

i already deleted it due to the crappy 10 limit songs

~ Cheers! ~ (posting on soundcloud) Avatar

(liquid *COUGH dnb vs trap *COUGH debate) But seriously tho this is cool, maybe expand it in a full track 😉

pixeldancer (sc only) Avatar
pixeldancer (sc only)
over 5 years ago

@ ~Cheers!~ okay ermm is that bad or good? xd thanks? :>

~ Cheers! ~ (posting on soundcloud) Avatar

this is closer to dnb than trap beats xD
