Actually, vaping isn’t bad for you in any way, as it’s just water vapor, unless you put tobacco in there. Same with marijuana, it’s not bad at all unless you mix it with something else. Unless you consider addiction or overdoes bad, but on those things you can’t die from addiction or overdose cuz there not bad. Actually, marijuana is actually kinda good for you if your brain is fully developed. But tobacco isn’t good for you. So put the cigarette down
Actually, vaping isn’t bad for you in any way, as it’s just water vapor, unless you put tobacco in there. Same with marijuana, it’s not bad at all unless you mix it with something else. Unless you consider addiction or overdoes bad, but on those things you can’t die from addiction or overdose cuz there not bad. Actually, marijuana is actually kinda good for you if your brain is fully developed. But tobacco isn’t good for you. So put the cigarette down
[this project has concluded]
hey, winnie. vaping is bad for you.... so don't do it
lmao i honestly don't know what snare I used I think I layered it, this track hasnt been worked on in a while so its possible.
young chop snare? also 1:16 is awesome
"deep breaths ok?" is someone giving birth?