Unique Stereotype - myheartstrings (jtpck. Remix)
Sea Tunes
It's Raining
NASA Landing E49x
Another WIP
oNe MiSSed cALL
Gravity Remix Competition
*RESULTS* *1.* J McG *2.* 454 *3.* Firegunz *Delicious prizes* *1.* - Collab with me, remix posted on Sugar Empire. and if possible, norwegian candy and sweets mailed to you. *2.* Collab with me, remix posted on Sugar Empire., and if wanted, a kiss on the cheek. *3.* Collab with me.
In this group it is important that they have an account at MEDIAFIRE, to upload the file SNG and pass the link to his partner or the person who is to perform the rimix. In this Group succeeded in publishing their tracks REMIXED or also in collaboration with someone, the more prominent of these will be LAS 3 more favorite of the week. This group will help them learn how do others when they do collaborations and remixes... RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MEMBERS: @ChordsBoy Actually, it exports as an mp3 file. Just try emailing it to everyone (since very little of us actually have mediafire...)! @Torren33 I've got an idea... If you want it to be remixed, make it downloadable, and when you download it, then it's a .sng file. Then you can publish the song here to get remixed.
Osiris Remix Contest You all decided and you wanted to remix me and phoenix's track "Osiris" ! Here is the .sng file to remix: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Deadline for entries: 10.07.2016 Winners announced: 12.07.2016 Prize for the winner: -Collab with me or phoenix (your choice) -follow by me and phoenix + recommendation on a custom track of yours Have fun :)
Music Contest
1st Place: Phoenix Official- "Tropical Skies" Score: 98/100. 2nd Place: Dead Dave- "Sudie" Score: 89/100 3rd Place: Chordsboy- "Amazed" Score: 88/100 4th Place: Fraz Bag- "Majestic" Score: 82/100 5th Place: ROIX- "Caribbean Melody" Score: 81/100 Good job guys! Everyone else did a great job too. This contest is officially over. Btw, all the other contestants who posted tracks in here have bragging rights because you guys did great as well... 1ST PLACE: RECOMMENDATION FROM ME, MY BROTHER AND MY FRIEND. A FOLLOW BY ME, MY BROTHER AND FRIEND. WE WILL ALSO LIKE ALL OF YOU SONGS. A COLLAB WITH ME. A SHOUT OUT. BRAGGING RIGHTS. A FREE SECRET INSTRUMENT 2ND PLACE: A COLLAB WITH ME. BRAGGING RIGHTS. A FOLLOW FROM ME AND MY BROTHER. A SHOUT OUT. A FREE SECRET INSTRUMENT 3RD PLACE: THE SAME AS 2ND PLACE. 4TH PLACE: A COLLAB WITH ME. BRAGGING RIGHTS. A SHOUT OUT. A FREE SECRET PRESET INSTRUMENT FROM ME. 5TH PLACE: SAME AS 4TH PLACE
☺ Cookies ☺
Hello Everybody! Lets do some advertising shall we? Music Geek Records New album is now on iTunes pick it up here! Check out Phoenix's SNG Wars by clicking here
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Soundation Stars
This Group is for all the stars of Soundation! Keep Shining!
Memories Remix Competition
I recently finished an early draft for my song "Memories," which I made for a school performance. Now everyone will get the chance to remix it! I know that it is an early draft, but the final copy should be too much different, and I want to give you a chance ahead of time to complete the remix. Whoever wins will get - Free track mastering for a week - A spot in the Memories EP - A spot in the set for my school performance - A spot in a separate live performance - A spot on my Youtube Channel - A spot on my Soundation Channel (Or whatever you call it) Runner up gets - 3 Tracks Mastered for free - A spot in the Memories EP - A spot on my Soundation Channel (Or whatever you call it) - A spot in a separate live performance I expect all remixes to be original. Any flips or edits will not win. Remixes due 11/01/16 .sng:!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe!Ah1VNb8KUMYei3vb_Rp2dTmqHlXe
Soundation United!
"Soundation United" is a community full of amazing music :) I am no longer active enough on soundation to moderate this group, but I encourage people to keep sharing their music here.
Hurt Remix Competition
WELCOME TO THE HURT REMIX COMPETITION! BEFORE WE EVEN START, LET'S GO OVER THE RULES! 1. Do not be rude or inconsiderate towards one another. We are not afraid to kick people out. 2. Be original. We held a remix competition about a year ago, and one contestant literally just grabbed our track, and did practically nothing to it. We won't kick you out, but we'll delete the track. 3. You may use any DAW, I guess, why not. 4. Have fun SNG IS IN THE COMMENTS NOW!
Donald Trump
3de World Reject
Mauri Carfax
false blonde
Kracked Ekho / illRipper
Miles Findlay