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ER_0R (And-Die) Avatar
ER_0R (And-Die)
almost 10 years ago

World of Tanks?

IycePhoenixx Avatar
almost 10 years ago

We're talking about the same WoT right?

ER_0R (And-Die) Avatar
ER_0R (And-Die)
almost 10 years ago

And thanks guys :)

ER_0R (And-Die) Avatar
ER_0R (And-Die)
almost 10 years ago

Yeah it's possible, I just randomly spotted it while I was in game stop, and it only cost 20 bucks, and it comes with a month Xbox gold, because the game can't be played offline.

IycePhoenixx Avatar
almost 10 years ago

Firstly, the part at 1:15 sounds kind of wierd. You should work on that part and get the sounds to flow together. Lastly, you can play WoT on the Xbox 360? I did not know that, nor did I ever think it possible.

3de World Reject Avatar
3de World Reject
almost 10 years ago

I like the part @01:05. It dos`nt sound to bad?
