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Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
almost 5 years ago

Thanks @supakoifish

Thanks too @little hollow, and supposedly this week, they have 28 entries to go through. I feel like it might be by later today or tomorrow idk. We are in the second half of the week.

arbour Avatar
almost 5 years ago

nice album cover oof

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

When are the results gonna come in? I'm getting impatient lol

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

Nice, me like

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
almost 5 years ago

I finally tried again and made the cover art now. Got scared for a moment when I got hit with a "not responding" again, but this time it recovered.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

Now that i think about it i'm gonna go fix some things on my original.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

I mean this one was closer to the original than your other entry so i'm not really sure which one will place top three. (because one of them definitely will lol) The thing with my entry is that i didn't stray enough to make it unique enough to be a possible winner and it is really bad XD. And I guess you could get two top places, but i'm not really sure about that one either. They definitely are top three material, but i'm guessing the soundation crew would like to include more than two people in the winners spots.

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
almost 5 years ago

@little hollow

There do be some juicy remixes entered in the challenge.
I'm wondering, since I have 2 entries, is it possible and/or permissible for both to place, and what would be the response in that case? Also, which would place where? If only one places, which one is better? I guess that's for judging to decide.

One of my main concerns every time I do a remix is that I always wonder if I stray too far from the original.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 5 years ago

Also, i'm betting either you or grawlix are gonna get first place
