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DisneySingsSoundation123 Avatar
over 6 years ago

Just imagine a world of, No authority, Just imagine, What it’ll be like with no rank! But now I can’t bear the thought of, No option, If only they could see my home through my eyes, If only they could understand, What it feels like to feel trapped, What it feels like to be owned! Just imagine a world of, No keeping back, If you just, Keep your head up and be brave! But now I can’t bear the thought of, No option, So why is it that I can’t be myself? If only they could see my home through my eyes,

DisneySingsSoundation123 Avatar
over 6 years ago

If only they could understand, What it feels like to feel trapped,

DisneySingsSoundation123 Avatar
over 6 years ago

What it feels like to be owned! If only they could see the world through my eyes, If only they would just ask, How I’m doing or why I’m sad, Why do I… Feel… Trapped?
