also say "this group is for all music, all kinds, and for just being plain goofballs. Credit to RAZOR for the idea"
ok, call the group "RAZOR's Music Group for Dumdums" yes im serious, and give me credit, also the rules stay the same ok?
Cursing alowed? ok! #%$@*^&%#@)*()#@@#$$%%
i can make a group, and you can tell me what to do in it, or you can use this track as a group. it isnt possible to give someone else ownership, sadly.
sorry, its glitching. also, i dont know how to give others ownership. ill look it up
actually, maybe it aint a horrible idea, cudn't yu just give me ownership or is a you make it, you own it 4ever thing?
yu cud? thanks, but i want to be the OWNER of a group and this is a close as ill get sadly im not rich.
ya know, razor, i could make you a real group if you want. you can tell me who to feature and stuff.
also say "this group is for all music, all kinds, and for just being plain goofballs. Credit to RAZOR for the idea"
ok, call the group "RAZOR's Music Group for Dumdums" yes im serious, and give me credit, also the rules stay the same ok?
Cursing alowed? ok! #%$@*^&%#@)*()#@@#$$%%
i can make a group, and you can tell me what to do in it, or you can use this track as a group. it isnt possible to give someone else ownership, sadly.
sorry, its glitching. also, i dont know how to give others ownership. ill look it up
actually, maybe it aint a horrible idea, cudn't yu just give me ownership or is a you make it, you own it 4ever thing?
yu cud? thanks, but i want to be the OWNER of a group and this is a close as ill get sadly im not rich.
ya know, razor, i could make you a real group if you want. you can tell me who to feature and stuff.