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AMT Avatar
over 7 years ago

And did you say your songs sound GOOD? They, no offense, haven't improved since I first joined soundation. I can't listen to your songs without breaking and cringing. They are out of tune, monophonic, and have in expertly designed druma placed almost randomly throughout your songs.

AMT Avatar
over 7 years ago

Ok. Asa, I'm sorry, but I don't know if I can say that your songs sound better than kagar. In fact, I cant. This is actually pretty good. Yes it needs improvement, but not as much as your stuff. Back off. Kagar knows what he's doing

Kagar Avatar
over 7 years ago

And Asa, if your talking bad about MY tracks, go ahead and look at yours.

i am dead Avatar
i am dead
over 7 years ago

Simplicity comes from the fact you said on a comment 'IKR, his songs are just guitar, GM-2 bass and drums'

Kagar Avatar
over 7 years ago

And how does "simplicity" have to do with this? This track wasn't posted for you.

Kagar Avatar
over 7 years ago

and no your's sounds bad, just remember you said it yourself "I HATE DUBSTEP" on our PM.

Kagar Avatar
over 7 years ago

You don't have dubstep ears. Like you said on our PM, you don't like dubstep. It's not my fault. So shut up and go listen to music that you DO like.

i am dead Avatar
i am dead
over 7 years ago

Sick? Are you joking? You knock on me for the simplicity of my sound, but at least most of mine sounds fucking GOOD. This sounds like the result of a UFO crash
