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Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

@Tommy Robinson I thought you were relocating to FL Studio or something?

Also: "I didn't mean to bother anyone at all here by making this account, i simply just wanted to talk to the staff here and thats all i want." I thought the staff notified you and gave a heads up that things were taking longer than expected.

And I have not seen any changes in the amount of freedom in speech whether or not you are here.

Aperture Avatar
over 5 years ago

@Tommy Robinson, are you that ChromeClouds guy I kept hearing about?

Omega wolf Avatar
Omega wolf
over 5 years ago


Omega wolf Avatar
Omega wolf
over 5 years ago

that should be a political comic in the union tribune

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago

You better believe it xD

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

Drama: A wild dish best served well heated and with lots of salt. Not particularly healthy, and the helpings aren't helpful, but critics and the media seem to eat this stuff up.

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago

Ah, don't worry. When he's all apologetic he won't bother sounding like a jerk again. But regardless, if I'm wrong, future potential drama here will be on me, I'll admit xD

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

@ChordsBoy Alright I see I see. Thanks for that info, but now that runs the risk of a retaliative argument or dispute, which is what I am/was trying to avoid. I understand that trust has been broken, and that resentment has been deeply established that his presence brings about bitterness. I don't expect for you to regain trust, but it should be more than just his presence to warrant being re-provoked. Note that a preemptive counter-aggression in an act of defense would come off as an attack to rope him back into all of this. You can still be distrusting, just tread lightly.

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago

So for those reasons, I refuse to ever trust him, regularly talk to him, forgive him, or empathize with him, as I have done all of these things in the past and he still wound up being a complete troll towards me and my friends here.

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 5 years ago

There's always a good reason behind it imo. I want to like everyone, and make them feel good about themselves, but when a case like Oscar comes around, I feel that there is no possibility of liking him, or even empathizing with him if you stick around him long enough. The time he was "repenting" in Discord, I was forgiving of him, despite other people's warnings. And I was a fool for thinking that he'd ever truly be consistently respectful and good. It seems so convincing at times, but now I know that there will never be a day when he'll realize his actions are actually horrible.
