Want to give someone a high-five for making progress on their music production journey? Care to give us tips on feature-worthy songs that fall off our radar? Or perhaps give a shout out to some submissions that don’t make it to the top of our competitions?
Here’s a group for a virtual pat on the back and all things wholesome. Post links to tracks or users on the comment section below. We might consider featuring tracks recommended here on top of the tracks posted in “Share Your Sounds” (#music genre) groups on the Community.
• Do not recommend yourself!
• Recommended tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Updated: 9 September 2019
Indeed but there are some good commands you could use
Yeah, Tom's right. What you really need to do is get "<" and ">" to be considered as punctuation and be considered as "<" and ">", not HTML parameters. People could easily crack this website with "< script >" and "< /script >" commands. Get it fixed ASAP.
@OPC please don't advertise your tracks on my tracks!
https://soundation.com/user/MuSiCmAsTeR/track/big-mac-rap PLEASE!!!!!!
I'm sure everyone will agree that the community here is largely based on jokes and being mates with everyone. But we also help each other. Get a sense of humour and let us help you, then maybe more people will like, and thus recommend, you
@OPC, the orgasm trap was a joke, it wasn't supposed to be popular. Maybe if u had a sense of humour, people would like you more.
KE XD @OPC even I'm not big-headed enough to call my own tracks masterpieces XD
Oh... This is insanely good... https://soundation.com/user/ozcii/track/ozcii-and-prince-josiah-jazz-cafe-future
dead domain
Again with that trap thing, OPC. You actually need to use the MIDI channels and make your own stuff if you want to be a little more original. Just keep practicing, you'll get better. It's taken most of the top users years to get up there, and that's just how things work sometimes. I'm still working at it to try to get better at my own things, just give it time and keep trying. Use the blue MIDI channels, they will really help you out.
Clever Whiz
I agree with you Tom. OPC will you try to use your mind?