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Shout Outs Group Profile Picture
Created January 15, 2013

Shout Outs

Want to give someone a high-five for making progress on their music production journey? Care to give us tips on feature-worthy songs that fall off our radar? Or perhaps give a shout out to some submissions that don’t make it to the top of our competitions?
Here’s a group for a virtual pat on the back and all things wholesome. Post links to tracks or users on the comment section below. We might consider featuring tracks recommended here on top of the tracks posted in “Share Your Sounds” (#music genre) groups on the Community.
• Do not recommend yourself!
• Recommended tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Updated: 9 September 2019


Joakim PFX Avatar
Joakim PFX
almost 9 years ago

Norska och svenska är ju någorlunda lika i alla fall :)

ONIX (D.E.A.D.E.N.D.) Avatar
almost 9 years ago

@Tom, it's "hola, bueno dia, todo bien?" xD

ozcii Avatar
almost 9 years ago

@Joakim PFX Lets try to learn all of the nordic languages ahah. I already know norwegian ofcourse, and my sister is swedish ;) tycker ni eller?

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

I understand Spanish better than English because latin XD I'll stick with my late Portuguese even XD

Joakim PFX Avatar
Joakim PFX
almost 9 years ago

I should've focused on one language. I had german, spanish and italian. All these years later and it's mostly a mess :)

BaconBurger Avatar
almost 9 years ago

XD I'm doing French

KCM Avatar
almost 9 years ago

bueno,suponiendo que bo... no sabe hablar español,creí que publicando un link quitaría ese momento incómodo y volverían al chat...

ONIX (D.E.A.D.E.N.D.) Avatar
almost 9 years ago

@Cosmic CN, de que tu refiere? Si tu quieres estar en este grupo como aplicar en un posición como un miembro. Pues, tu no puedes preguntar, ni tampoco aplicar si tu quiere estar este grupo; solo por la regla que ahi que seguir. Pero, si tu necesitas ayuda, pues tu puedes preguntar a la personas de "Team Soundation" o a otros miembros en esta comunidad. Pero, todo nosotros aqui podemos ayudarte en lo mas que podemos! :)

Cosmic CN Avatar
Cosmic CN
almost 9 years ago

muy buen grupo buena musica creen que tendria lugar en el grupo? XD
