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Shout Outs Group Profile Picture
Created January 15, 2013

Shout Outs

Want to give someone a high-five for making progress on their music production journey? Care to give us tips on feature-worthy songs that fall off our radar? Or perhaps give a shout out to some submissions that don’t make it to the top of our competitions?
Here’s a group for a virtual pat on the back and all things wholesome. Post links to tracks or users on the comment section below. We might consider featuring tracks recommended here on top of the tracks posted in “Share Your Sounds” (#music genre) groups on the Community.
• Do not recommend yourself!
• Recommended tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Updated: 9 September 2019


Missiony Avatar
over 2 years ago

here we go again lol

Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals Avatar

Scratch that. Should have posted in the Newbies Corner I guess. Sorry guys

Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals Avatar

Yeah, that's my bad. Been about a year since I've been here, so forgot what this group page was for. I guess a group feedback page somewhere featured might be helpful for users? Whatever, anyway good luck with your ventures 1CE!

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

I meant some people on this site btw

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

Cause for 5 years I always see random conversations mostly specific to this group. It's like asking why Cyprasonic asked about the issue with the posting tracks problem. It's ok to just throw my story out there cause I want to give y'all hope. For a while I thought I made bad music cause it seemed no one was interested until I met actual DJ's & other producers with more experience than I do. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback. But I can see people on this site usually only watch out for themselves.

Shards Avatar
over 2 years ago

why did you post this here, in the shout outs group?

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

Wish me luck on the Wakaan deal

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

to a new studio I am capable of getting signed. The dude helping me had done shows b4 & has a friend or friends that is on Wakaan. I showed them projects from a year ago to today. I feel underestimated on this website. Getting "out there" on this website is difficult. Its either they judge the song & say "this or that needs to be fixed" or they arent interested in general. I love this site because i can make this music & attempt to make new friends. They did a great job with the studio & all that. Interacting with us as well with challenges & whatnot.

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

So i just talked with a music software developer & other artists. They was blown away & i was shocked. It opened my eyes a little bit(not cause i look asian lmao) but i realized when one of them said that some projects made for movies & other stuff sometimes is made on an ipad or a phone. As long as the music your making is good you can makit it if yk what im saying. Im currently getting help from a underground artist to help me submit a song into a record label named Wakaan. Not getting my hopes up but having these artists tell me im capable even not upgrading (cause we talked about that)

੮Ր1ƿՆ૯///ς੮Ր1ƿ૯ძ Avatar

nah @Cyprasonic
