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Space Journey Remix Challenge Group Profile Picture
Created June 18, 2019

Space Journey Remix Challenge

Ok, the final decision has been made! Check out chordsboy’s submission Also check out Chordsboy’s submission, he wasn’t eligible to since he made the original project with me but it’s a good remix. iiihttps://cosmoa.net/view?u=M_un-N0XO-iii (get rid of the is lol)
1) Baked Butter Croissant- Could maybe use some touch ups but this is great! 2) 𝕄𝕌𝕊𝕀ℂ 𝓑𝓨𝓣𝓔 ♪- This is pretty good for what it is but the instrument choice especially is kind of eh in some spots and I don’t like that you looped the same chord progression for the entire song 3) bubble enthusiast- You made two attempts, the one I am featuring is slightly better but like I would have worked on it a little more if it were me, not that it ended up mattering in this case lol.


Katze Avatar
about 4 years ago


little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
about 4 years ago

Aight. I'll hopefully be able to do whatever the next one is.

Katze Avatar
about 4 years ago

Ok lol I'mma get some more opinions and if other people agree I will do that :3

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
about 4 years ago

Do something with a theme please.

Litter Box  Avatar
Litter Box
about 4 years ago

OK so I got some ideas for the next challenge and I want to bounce them off you guys for a second. First idea is that I can create a song specifically for you guys to remix, second is I could post some wips and you can choose which one you want to remix kind of like what overdoze did, and the third idea is I could give you another themed challenge, if I were to do that I think I would make the challenge something related to the pandemic like make a song for people to chill to at home or make a song about it, something like that.

Cheap flights Avatar
Cheap flights
about 4 years ago

Good work

Noah Millar ♪  Avatar
Noah Millar ♪
about 4 years ago

(Also, congrats to the winners! :D)

Noah Millar ♪  Avatar
Noah Millar ♪
about 4 years ago

Tbh tho, I was contemplating the thought of mine being more of a remake rather than a remix from the moment I published it xD So either way it comes as no surprise to me seeing it is after all a remix contest xD

Katze Avatar
about 4 years ago

as well as checking off the boxes of not just being a good version of the song, but also reasonably being called a remix.

Katze Avatar
about 4 years ago

Also part of the reason I went with the funny remixes instead of the serious ones is because Noah's and Voxel's for example were just recreations but if I was being honest with myself I liked them better than the other serious entries like Salad's or Shard's, and some were incomplete like Nukt made a 12 second snippet for example, that's not enough to count. Idk, I just feel like there was no other way to do this and seeing that I none of my closer friends from this site won like Noah, Voxel, or Cheers, I hope you can see that this list was based on the quality of the songs _
