Hey! New contest! This used to be Contest Weekly Vol. 2, but the first one is no longer! So we are gonna be starting anew!!! In this contest, we will hold a competition every week basing these weeks off of themes. Your goal is to match that theme. Judges will be decided at random each week by yours truly.Cheers and have fun
1.No person can win a contest 3 times in a row.
2.At least try to match the theme
3. You can only post one song for each week, so be careful.
4.There can not be the same prize 2 times in a row.
5.I am not allowed to participate in contests that I have to judge myself.And neither are you!
6. NO VOTING FOR YOUR OWN TRACK!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE KICKED. Like ferreal guys(im lookin at you Shade77)
7.Be nice and considerate, have fun and enjoy.
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: all of the soundcloud users, here is a link to a group containing many of us: http://soundation.com/group/soundcloud-users
Thank you
WINNER OF WEEK ONE Twas KE. Being the dubstep king of soundation(second to me of course ;) he blew me away with this drop. I chose this drop because for the whole while ive never been able to make sounds as awesome as him(second was Xephyr)
THa cONTEST Please show mr EkHo here what you nad do with the mono! So make a song using mostly mono, with the main melodies in the mono channel.
TIME FRAME:: February 21st-28th
Restrictions:: Use mainly Mono, the time doesn’t matter, just be at least over 1 minute.
Prize:: You get to choose the contest for next week!
*Not every week will the winner be determined by votes, some will be determined by me.
Kracked Ekho / illRipper
thx for invite
Very welcome, im trying to make this as big as possibble
Thanks for the invite!