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DUTCH Avatar
about 8 years ago


pryzm Avatar
about 8 years ago

@NKM Thank you for the feedback!! I will make a reworked version of this! I'm going to keep this version up though!

BaconBurger Avatar
about 8 years ago

I like how you chopped the vocals in the second buildup, but, as I said before, it feels empty and the piano is odd. Personally, I would consider re-working this because it has so much potential and the drop is so nice, you really need to work on your levels man :/ Please re-work it because I really want to love this!

BaconBurger Avatar
about 8 years ago

I really like the idea behind this, but the execution of it feels really rough :/ For instance, the piano isn't loud enough, but still hits too hard, no idea how you managed that aha.Generally, both buildups feel really empty and needed more than just the piano and the vocals with background synths, an arp and some other percussion would've been really nice. The claps are too loud and need reverb too. 0:36 to 0:45 has a lot of clipping too. The drop is great though! The kick is just too loud really, and clips with pretty much everything, but i really like the synths and the use of the vocals.

blzr. Avatar
about 8 years ago

OH MY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
