The snare in the intro sounds like it has a bitcrusher on. I think it fits the retro sound perfectly. As for the one in the drop, it has a cool woodblock sound, and it's definitely unique. I feel like an aggressive snare would fit a drop like this, but as long as it's what the artist intended, it's good. Great track man!
Very GOodZ. And I disagree about the snares. You know how to make some pretty good ones and the one in the intro fits just fine. I likes the drop too. Very noice :D
Dutchy, u cheater poopface ♡
I love how dutchy secretly uses his LDM channel to like tracks twice XD
this is amazing those chords are incredible maybe i would have like some 7th's on a couple of them but as i said really nice.
Josh Riker
The snare in the intro sounds like it has a bitcrusher on. I think it fits the retro sound perfectly. As for the one in the drop, it has a cool woodblock sound, and it's definitely unique. I feel like an aggressive snare would fit a drop like this, but as long as it's what the artist intended, it's good. Great track man!
Very GOodZ. And I disagree about the snares. You know how to make some pretty good ones and the one in the intro fits just fine. I likes the drop too. Very noice :D
Sick. <3s
anthony balacco
I was gonna say exactly what NKM said. The track is absolutely amazing, but the snare is awful. Good job on this one though!