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Music and Technology Students Avatar

this song is so good! everything sounds awesome

Music and Technology Students Avatar

i like the middle and the end if this were in a movie i think it would in something like pacific rim or something like that. i didn't really like the start it was a little of tempo

Music and Technology Students Avatar

its so good

Music and Technology Students Avatar

hi BFF

Music and Technology Students Avatar

i like the beat, temp, and idea but i think if you put sounds in there that matched together that would be great. i think this is like an electronic type of song

Music and Technology Students Avatar

I like how this song starts and ends, I also like the mix you did with some beats they go really well together. lastly I like the transitions to different beats, if this was an a movie I would think its in like an action movie. one thing i would improve is to make the middle not so long because as the song went on things stopped going together and I kinda forgot the begging of the song.
