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Kagar Avatar
about 7 years ago

Lil'Reaper about 50% of all trap songs have that melody tbh, and ive never heard that song have i?

Lil'Reaper BeatFactory Avatar
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory
about 7 years ago

Hey Kagar, where'd you get the idea for that melody? Huh 6>6??? Definitely not from Skylights_Revibe right?

. Avatar
about 7 years ago

That is what I was gonna say, but I chose to not exacerbate the cancer that is this comment secrion.

Kagar Avatar
about 7 years ago

not at all the same thing

. Avatar
about 7 years ago


Caffeinayt Avatar
about 7 years ago

Chords. Pluck. Tune. Same thing

. Avatar
about 7 years ago

Legion Beats get your but spanked! XD

Kagar Avatar
about 7 years ago

This is not a melody.

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 7 years ago

i swear i hear this type of melody every where except in different keys

Kagar Avatar
about 7 years ago

No, I make it so different parts of the Reverbs come before and after other FX like delay and distortion so it gets more specific. Like if I had one reverb on the end, the sound wouldnt be as full and wet. (Wet as in opposite as dry xD)
