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DJ of the Week Group Profile Picture
Created June 01, 2017

DJ of the Week

Only post one track, vote for the one you like the most, and the track that gets more votes at the end of the week will win!!


- CONCEPT (8 votes)
- STRIX (7 votes)
- CONCEPT (9 votes)
- MagicOwls (6 votes)


. Only post ONE track a week, if you post more will be erased all

. Vote! For the group to work there must be a large number of votes

. If you do not like the group you can leave whenever you want, but remember that you were specially invited : /

. If you do not want or can not post tracks, vote and comment :3 ah and follow ;)

. You can post remixes, and tracks made in others programs (like Fl Studio or Ableton) and too made with loops, FEW loops, you can not base your tracks on blends

. There is only one winner a week, if there is a tie of votes will win the track with more likes

. You can post tracks of any genre: Progressive House, dubstep, trap, melodic dubstep, trapstep, deathstep, future house… And you can also post old tracks

. You can’t post collabs!!

. Your track should last for more than one minute to be valid

. If no one votes, the group will be deleted for lack of encouragement :(

. And fun, do not forget to have fun without insulting


The dj with the most voted track will win. You can ask for votes, make spam in this and other groups, I also recommend asking for votes in the title of your track, but it’s not valid to vote for your own tracks :v Good luck!!
After the week ends and a winner is announced, all tracks will be deleted to start the contest from scratch and give way to another Dj of the Week!!
This contest will last all May, and if there is enough encouragement will extend until June, help me get voters and members ;)

. The winner of the week will have his name in the group title for a week, and in the description and cover forever

. His last track will be recommended along with the winning track, in exchange for being the same.

. Will gain a new follower in soundation and get new likes on most of their tracks

. And will gain a new follower in soundcloud, if he/SHE has soundcloud.

. Besides fame of course ;) What more can you ask?

Who wants to participate?!!
> Congratulations to Concept for being in the trending with the winning track of the contest!!


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