"dxtr!" groups

Andreas Tips N' Tricks

Andreas Tips N' Tricks

Hello everyone. I'm Andreas and I worked as the Production Manager here at Soundation/PowerFX. Part of my work was constantly testing and developing Soundation's features and trying to come up with ideas of how we can do things better. While doing this I sometimes stumble across some really cool ways of creating sounds and I thought I should start to share them with you guys. If you have any tips you would like to share pm me with a short description (what it is, how you would use it and how you create it) and link to an audio example. h3. How To: Create a Powerful Gliding Sub by Tydal Wave 1) Open the mono 2) Change it to Preset 1. 3)Add lowpass filter, keep cutoff under 150hz (around 60 is the best) 4) Try to only use the 3rd and 2nd octaves, those work best for subs. 5) Add an equalizer and have the low side no smaller than 40 and no larger than 75. 6) (Optional) Add reverb and fiddle with it until you find a sound that you like (Brass preset is what works best for me) 7) Have fun! *Check out the audio example: "Powerful Gliding Sub":https://soundation.com/user/Tydal-Wave/track/powerful-gliding-sub-example* h3. How to create a Melodic SuperSaw by Crescendo: 1. Add a SuperSaw channel. 2. Open up Edit Instrument on the SuperSaw Channel 3. Turn decay and sustain to 100% 4. Turn Detune down to 5% and turn down release to 10%. 5. Keep attack down to 0%. FX: 1. Add a Reverb with the Huge Tail preset and turn down the Size by 10% 2. Add a delay with the Oh Yeah preset and turn up the Wet by 5% OPTIONAL: Add a compressor with the Bass Running Hot preset. Recommended to be played in a higher octave. *Check out the audio example: "Melodic Supersaw":https://soundation.com/user/CrescendosProfile/track/melodic-supersaw-example* h3. How To: Create a Heavy Bass by Tydal Wave 1)Open Simple Channel 2)Oscillators-Triangle, Saw, Sine,Triangle 3)Set volume on Oscillators 1 and 2 to 100, and 3 and 4 to 0 4)Set Pitch on Oscillators 1 and 2 to -24,with detune on number 2 at +27 cents 5)In filter envelope, set Decay to 73% 6)In Amp envelope, set Decay and Sustain to 100%. Set Release to 13% 7)On filter, set cuttof to 15% and Resonance to 3% 8)Add a filter. Lowpass, cuttoff around 820Hz, resonance 100% 9)Add a second filter, Highpass, cutoff around 60 Hz, resonance 100% 10)Add Distortion, Foldback type 11)Add reverb, Size 89% Damp 67% Width 100% Wet 9% and Dry 100% 12)Add a second Reverb, do not modify it 13)Add yet another filter, lowpass, cutoff around 14000 HZ, Resonance 15% 14)Add a Fakie, make no modifications 15)Add a compresser Attack 9 % Release 12% Ratio 70% Threshold 70 % and Gain to 58 % 16)Load up an new instrument channel with GM-2, set it to sine wave and copy the notes *Check out the audio example: "Heavy Bass":https://soundation.com/user/TydalWave/track/heavy-bass-example* h3. How To: Create a Dream Synth by KRackEdEkHo 1)Load up the Supersaw Instrument in the blue channel. 2)Add Filter, Reverb with Lush tail preset, Delay, Compressor with Electric Guitar preset, Phaser with Subtle preset and a Limiter to the FX chain. *Check out the audio example: "Dream Synth":https://soundation.com/user/KRackEdEkHo/track/example-dream-synth* h3. How To: Create a Gun Shot by MΛ➩ŁΔCҚY 1)Load up the SPC Instrument in the blue channel. 2)Chose the "electro house" kit. 3)Select the clap and put the pitch all the way to the left-side. (-24) And put the gain up to 100%. 4) Add reverb for nice echo effect. *Check out the audio example: "Gun Shot":https://soundation.com/user/ma-lacky/track/gun-shot-example* h3. How To: Create a talking bass by BackBonez 1) Open WUB machine on distorted throat 2) Make oscillator 1 a square oscillator and put it on -12 and put PAN to center 3) Make oscillator 2 a saw oscillator and put it on +12 4) Make a triangle LFO at 19% speed 5) Go to FX and add a degrader of choice. Preferably wrecked 6) Add a vocals reverb if you want to. *Check out the audio example: "Talking Bass":https://soundation.com/user/BackBonezUK/track/heavy-talking-bass-tutorial* h3. How To: Create a sick wobble by SiKKaH 1. Open the Wub Machine. 2. In the Analog Filter Section, change it to lowpass, and change the cutoff to 20hz. 3. In the LFO Section set the Speed to 21% and the Type of wave to the first one. 4. On OSC1 change the wave type to the first one, pitch to -21 and OSC Shape to 35 5. On OSC2 change pitch to -12, change the type to the third one, 6. Change MSL, Filth, and Unison to fit your liking, and enjoy! *Check out the audio example: "Sick Wobble":https://soundation.com/user/SiKKaH/track/example-sick-wobble* h3. How To: Create a choir-like synth by XJM This is excellent for those looking for a deep, "heavenly" choir like sound. There are two ways to generate this but the easiest way is with the SuperSaw. The two most important parts you need are two filters, one Lowpass with CutOff around 667Hz and Resonance around 60% and one Highpass with Cutoff around 819Hz and Res around 90%. (This is called a bandpass filter) Release should be raised so you get that tail at the end. Raise the attack to wherever feels most comfortable to you so long as it is NOT staccato (short attacks). Tune the SuperSaw up a little bit but keep it detuned. You can add a Reverb to make it sound as if it's being "sung" in a church or cathedral of some kind. Best range for this sound is between C4 and C5 give or take one or two notes. You can also do this with the Simple virtual instrument just set everything to Saw and detune. Same effects and instrument settings. *Check out the audio example: "Synth Choir":https://soundation.com/user/dj-xjm/track/malechoir-ahh-example* h3. How To: Create a huge sub bass Fat sub basses are of course the foundation of any bass driven music style such as Drum n Bass or Dubstep but can be used in virtually any music style for great effect. If your bass sound lack power layer this sound with your original bass and it will sound positively huge! Ok here is how to do it. Load The Wub Machine and select the Clean Sub preset. Now add the Degrader FX to the channel and choose the preset Bad Recording. After Degrader load a Filter and choose Low Pass with a CutOff frequency of 500Hz. *Check out the audio example: "BIG BOOOOOOOOOM!":https://soundation.com/user/andreas/track/big-boom*

Contest Weekly

Contest Weekly

Hey! New contest! This used to be Contest Weekly Vol. 2, but the first one is no longer! So we are gonna be starting anew!!! In this contest, we will hold a competition every week basing these weeks off of themes. Your goal is to match that theme. Judges will be decided at random each week by yours truly.Cheers and have fun RULEZ: 1.No person can win a contest 3 times in a row. 2.At least try to match the theme 3. You can only post one song for each week, so be careful. 4.There can not be the same prize 2 times in a row. 5.I am not allowed to participate in contests that I have to judge myself.And neither are you! 6. NO VOTING FOR YOUR OWN TRACK!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE KICKED. Like ferreal guys(im lookin at you Shade77) 7.Be nice and considerate, have fun and enjoy. =============BE SURE TO CHECK OUTS============= BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: THE CONTEST OF THE CENTURY!!! hosted by me, Tydal Wave link: https://soundation.com/group/the-contest-of-the-century BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: all of the soundcloud users, here is a link to a group containing many of us: https://soundation.com/group/soundcloud-users Thank you =================ANNOUNCEMENTS=============== ~WINNER OF WEEK ONE~ Twas KE. Being the dubstep king of soundation(second to me of course ;) he blew me away with this drop. I chose this drop because for the whole while ive never been able to make sounds as awesome as him(second was Xephyr) ~THIS WEEKS JUDGE~ Is KE! ~_THa cONTEST_~ Please show mr EkHo here what you nad do with the mono! So make a song using mostly mono, with the main melodies in the mono channel. TIME FRAME:: February 21st-28th Restrictions:: Use mainly Mono, the time doesn't matter, just be at least over 1 minute. Prize:: You get to choose the contest for next week! ________________________________________________________ *Not every week will the winner be determined by votes, some will be determined by me.



We are back! Yes! Finally the contest is starting again. The guidelines are: 1) NO REMIXES. You must make every single part of the song in soundation. Vocals are allowed but only if you record them your self. No remixes no remakes and if i catch you using a midi file or sng file, you WILL be disqualified immediately. 2) You can post up to 5 songs, and i encourage you to do it! This is going to be a large contest! 3) DO NOT ADVERTISE. No advertising. Do not say you have posted your song or put a link in the comments. If you want to advertise use messaging. 4) NO SONGS YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE. All of the songs you post must have been made after September 30th, 2014. 5) COLLABS ARE PERMITTED. Go ahead. Do it. ________________________________________ Now. To go over time. SEPTEMBER 30th - November 30th ________________________________________ This is how the winner will be chosen. I will browse through each and every song. The ones i like will be given THE NOD. The Nod is just my way of giving kudos. So...... I cant participate....awwwwww.....BECAUSE I AM THE PRIZE! More on that later, after you get The Nod, you are NOT to tell another soul.......except one. And you must tell only one. You are not to tell others who you told about The Nod. Once you have told me who you have told, message me immediately. Then, i will choose 4 out of everyone. The ones with the most Nods and the most times they were told about others Nods. Those four will then go for a week and have all their songs voted on. The on with the most overall votes wins! _________________________________________ PRIZES- 1st- Me. You get to do an epic rap battle of history with me, but the thing is it wont be a rap battle. But a soundation battle. We will collab on the intro, each say our names, then we will duke it out like Epic Rap Battles of History. 2nd- The full sng. that no one else will get for a remix opportunity on a song coming up. 3rd-This prize applies to all finalists. I will teach you how to do a sound that i only know. cool? Cool. Good luck and welcom to...... __________________________________________ THE SECOND SEASON OF THE CONTEST OF THE CENTURY!!!! Cheers!

Team Soundation Dump

Team Soundation Dump

This is a group, created by the presumptive nominee for Moderator of Soundation (lol). Group members include my presumptive running mate, Cyberbit, and Foresight, my campaign director You are not allowed to join this group. DO NOT ASK. ________________________________________________ This is a place for all the crap you all throw on to Team Soundation. Here, you can rant about whatever you want, say whatever you want, and do whatever you want. There is no moderation in this group. You can scream hoop and holler to your soul's desire. Note: You are only allowed these priveleges under the promise that you keep it all under this group. The purpose of this group is not to make you laugh, nor promotion, nor to give you a place to insult people. It's to keep all the arguing off of Team Soundation. In total, there are 6145 groups today, and there are only 2 of them that explicitly tell you not to say whatever you wish in them. So please, post all the crap you want here, but please keep it off of Team Soundation.

Beta Studio Test

Beta Studio Test

Hi Testers, thank you for participating in a beta test of our new Studio! What's the plan? We will open this group for at least a month for all testers to post bug reports and general feedback. Your insights will provide invaluable assistance in the fine-tuning of our studio before its official release in the coming months. What's new in the Studio? We've made major changes from an architecture point of view so our new Studio has gained a major performance boost. More specifically, the new Studio is based on WebAssembly and is using components that are completely new in a browser. This helps us build a more powerful and stable Studio which in turn lets you create more demanding projects. While there are no new features added to the new Studio, this will facilitate any further improvements and added features in the future! What should I do? Make as many tracks as possible using our beta Studio: https://beta-studio.soundation.com (Important: Use this link only) on Chrome version 70. If you find any bugs in the process, please comment in this group with the information: What I did, what went wrong, what I expected + Operating system + Studio and Engine version Is there anything I should be aware of? Yes. Please find below more info on buffer size/latency and some known issues: 1. Buffer size vs. latency • Increasing buffer size makes the Studio work more fluently, with less risk of glitches but with cost in latency (recommended for projects with long effect filter chains and/or many SendTo effect instances). • Decreasing buffer size makes the Studio work with smaller latency but with cost in risk of glitches and fluency (recommended for simpler projects with shorten effect filter chains). Recommended buffer size is 512 or 1024. • In case of complex projects and need of short latency, try to mute as many those channels which has the longest effect filter chains and then decrease buffer size to 256, 512. 2. Known bugs raised by testers (work in progress): • Some presets of WubMachine (using Retrigger) differs in the beta studio • The studio stops responding when used for a long time 3. Current Studio version 2.0.1 Engine version 1.7.1 4. Improvements added • Import of flac • Import of mp4 (including import of the AAC coded audio track from video mp4 file) • Option to enable Turbo Mode to maximize CPU usage What will I get? In return for your help in scrutinizing our new Studio, you will get one item from our sound shop for free at the end of the testing period. We really appreciate your time and feedback. If you have any questions feel free to post here. Now, have fun with our new Studio! Team Soundation 👉 Access the beta Studio here: https://beta-studio.soundation.com

GRAWT!PS - Tips & Techniques

GRAWT!PS - Tips & Techniques

My name is GRAWL!X, and this is the amalgamation of my 6+ years of Soundation experience. Back when I was a new musician, one of the groups I frequented was called "Andreas' Tips n' Tricks". It was a special little group where users would submit new techniques they found and share it with the entire community. Today I aim to create a group with the same general concept. _________________________________________________ Over the next several months, I will post my own techniques and sounds on here with examples explaining exactly how to do them. My hope is that people can use my trademark sounds in their own way and make tons of new music. I'll do my best to make sure that these sounds are possible with or without a paid account, but there will be exceptions. ________________________________________________ GRAWT!PS #1 - The Fretless Pad (1) Open the GM-2 (2) Select 'Fretless Bass' under the 'Bass' Tab (3) Turn the Attack knob up to around 300 ms (4) Add a reverb with around 90% size, 100% wet and 0% dry (this part is optional, this just makes the sound much smoother). (5) Add an Equalizer with 60% on Lows and Highs and 50% on the Mids. (6) Enjoy! ____________________________________________ GRAWT!PS #2 - The GRAWL!X Pluck (1) Open the GM-2 and select the Sine Wave under the Synth Lead category. (2) Turn the Sustain knob down to 21%, and the Release knob down to 80ms. (3) Copy the effects in this image in the order they are numbered. These effects exist for the purpose of the reverby feel -- they are not required to making the plucky sound. (4) Enjoy! GRAWT!IPS #3 - The Lo-fi Piano (1) Open the GM-2 and select the Rhodes Piano under the Piano section. (2) The only 2 necessary effects needed for this sound are the Degrader and the Delay. (3) Set the Gain on the Degrader to 5%, the Rate to 11%, the Reduction to 0% and the Mix to 12%. (4) Set the Time Left and Time Right on the Delay to 5ms and 9ms respectively. Turn Feedback and Filter to 10%, and Wet to 100%. Leave dry untouched. (5) The example provided has extra effects to further exaggerate this sound. To perfectly replicate the sound of the example please copy the effects of this image. (6) Enjoy!