i hope you like it its just short
do i need a name
music to my ears
demo of my best song yet
happy vibes
Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Shout Outs
Want to give someone a high-five for making progress on their music production journey? Care to give us tips on feature-worthy songs that fall off our radar? Or perhaps give a shout out to some submissions that don't make it to the top of our competitions? Here's a group for a virtual pat on the back and all things wholesome. Post links to tracks or users on the comment section below. We might consider featuring tracks recommended here on top of the tracks posted in "Share Your Sounds" (#music genre) groups on the Community. Terms: • Do not recommend yourself!• Recommended tracks have to be made using Soundation. • Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban. Updated: 9 September 2019
Share your #Dubstep tracks for a chance to get featured!Looking for some filthy grinding drops? Look no further. It's all things Dubstep in this group. Once the music world's enfant terrible, the genre has been pushed to uncharted territories in recent years, giving us anything from Brostep, Deathstep, Chillstep, Deep Dubstep to Dirty Dubstep. You know the drill. Share you deepest wobbles here, keep up with Dubstep's expanding universe and who knows, a new subgenre might pop up right from this spot. Every week, one track that stands out the most among all "Share Your Sounds" groups will get featured on Soundation's tracks page.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!Terms: Your tracks have to be made using Soundation. Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Soundation Addicts
Welcome! Take a tour, and if you feel like sticking around press that 'Join Group' button! It's a privilege to be apart of this group. Here, you can be apart of a community. You can make friends, get feedback on your music, or seek help if you need it. It is a privilege, do not abuse that privilege or it will be taken from you. There aren't many rules so I am asking you to please obey them. Please do not bully. If you are commenting on someone's track, don't be nasty, be fair. Please respect each other. Please do not troll or spam. You are allowed to promote your tracks and groups of course- but please don't get excessive. ANNOUNCEMENTS (8/7/2014): Hey everyone, it's me. I know that many of you were very frustrated with me because of my long absence- there were no winners of the Halloween contest I was hosting last year because of this. I know that was really upsetting and disappointing- you guys put a lot of effort into the tracks that you entered and I thought they were all wonderful. I don't know how to describe how sorry I feel. I've been gone so long, I've basically just disappeared and let this group die. And I know that I've been gone many times before, and I know that I've made excuses over and over but I promise you that if it weren't absolutely necessary to take a break- then I wouldn't have. The reason for my long absences is personal so I would prefer not to share but I promise you guys- I really am back and I'm going to be as active as I possibly can be. I am terribly sorry- I hope you guys can forgive me. "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley GROUPS YOU MIGHT WANT TO CHECK OUT Video Game Addicts Music for Fun Music Makerz Relax, It's Just Music Never Stop the Music Y U NO JOIN?
For everyone who loves to take a few seconds and relax, or anyone looking for a bit of old memories this is for you. Only post beats that are chill. Post as many songs as you would like, and spread this group around. Recent tracks that show off Lo-Fi pretty well will be featured.
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
Welcome To LOFI STUFF! this is for lofi hip-hop artists and indie song builders! hope you enjoy your stay here in the group, and were looking forward to hearing your talent! We Accept Any of these Genres: Indie, Lofi, Jazz-hop, underground lofi, lofi trap...
Sound Blasters
Welcome, Soundation, to my very own group, You may feel free to post your tracks and comment here. Anyways, I've set up a contest on Jan 1. 2017, To see who's the best track of the Soundation community, Yes, Voting will be declared, But, If their tracks are blank, Unappealing, Not shown, Or, Mismatched, The contest will be in risk of forfeit!, But, At the most, We hope to see you soon, Happy New Year!
What's Poppin' Y'all??
Hello, fellow upcoming music producers, feel free to promote yourselves, ask questions, or just hang out. Please try not to fight in the comments :)
yo, i wanted to start a group, so here we are. post whatever you want, as much as you want. there's pretty much no rules. feel free to promote others and yourself, and have fun :) ps if you want a feature pm me a link to your song and i will decide whether to feature it or not follow lil taco he is too underrated ---> sub on yt 👽
my name
Yui ♪
prod. inhale
Material Mal