What's Poppin' Y'all??

What's Poppin' Y'all??
Hello, fellow upcoming music producers, feel free to promote yourselves, ask questions, or just hang out. Please try not to fight in the comments :)
Hello, fellow upcoming music producers, feel free to promote yourselves, ask questions, or just hang out. Please try not to fight in the comments :)
What's Poppin' Y'all??

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7347 Avatar
73474 months ago
hey i'm remaking balloon by tyler, the creator. https://soundation.com/projects/a002b777-3820-4fe4-86cc-8c735314bcd5
𒁍エ៴气|_𒀸 Avatar
𒁍エ៴气|_𒀸7 months ago
New genre attempt - https://soundation.com/user/Dubsteper-2/track/lunar - Tell me your thoughts
7347 Avatar
7347a year ago
hey everyoneeee!!!!! idk if anyone sees this but i'm planning a small COLLABORATION ALBUM titled "collabs by lael" and i would like to start recruiting people to collab with me for the album. PM me if you're interested.
7347 Avatar
7347a year ago
HEY GUYS!!! MECHANICALISM++ (aka deluxe) IS OUT NOW!!! it includes 7 NEW TRACKS!! i hope you guys enjoy it (if you even listen to it) pls listen to it i'm beggingg
7347 Avatar
7347a year ago
HEY EVERYONE!!! my new album titled MECHANICALISM (yes that is a real word ig..?) is out now!!! if you can plssss give it a listen i would really appreciate it.. there is a deluxe version coming out soon so plz don't miss it. ok thanks :)))))
Polarize Avatar
Polarizea year ago
Pretty much
BIG MALC2 years ago
people come here frequently
BIG MALC2 years ago
lael Avatar
lael2 years ago
does anyone keep visiting this group?