Linear Regression
Less Loops Please
Is it a Flute?
Playing with Midi
My wife as a Clubber
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Music Makerz
So after a lil bit I actually turned into a decently popular rapper Im glad this is still one of the top groups, keep spammin Im sure someone will click it lol Soundcloud: Big Roshi Ill be there 100% of the time I came back here cus I was bored. Love you soundation but unless my messages start getting real business offers/collaborations this won't be a priority. TheDevilstop is a grown man now, he's got bill and such lol. HMU Best of luck with your music careers, mine started here and ended in me being an ignorant rapper. Never know what'll happen. - Roshi (7/12/2018) P.S I owe a lot this website, use these tools cus nobody else will be ya hero
The Beats of Tomorrow
This is a group where everyone gets a fair shot at having their music featured! If you have a good song and you want to get it out there let me know and I'll see what I can do for you! Also the group "Music For Fun" is willing to help you with any questions you have and the admin is very helpful!
The DJs
Hello Everybody! If you are in this group you are probably part of the soundation community and want to share your music. Well your in luck, cause all music genres are allowed to be posted here. _________________________________________________ I don't want to sound like a bummer, but I have a couple of rules. 1. No Cussing Please __________________ 2. Keep your music judgements to yourself (unless you are giving advice or complimenting) __________________ 3. Post Awesome Music! _______________________________________________ Those are the main things I don't want to see, so just stick to those rules and you will stay in this group. Sorry that I am not on as much as others are to keep this group updated, but I appreciate your patience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Update: Well guys, it's been awhile since I've been on. I am currently working on stuff in the studio, but I can't promise anything will be published. I've been really busy with my summer and my new baby brother. I will try to pick out tracks from this group and feature them as much as possible. Thanks, and keep making awesome tracks :)
The Ministry Of Soundation
THIS GROUP IS FOR THE BEST MUSIC PRODUCERS AND DJ'S ON SOUNDATION. There are very highly skilled artists here, if you would like to be apart of the group, leave a comment on our page the admins will check you out and invite you if you qualify. To qualify you need to atleast have the ability to produce music on your own with your own made sounds and using the studio to the fullest. If you are not invited into the group we just believe you need more experience in the studio, come back when you think you have improved your skills and we will be sure to check you out. This GROUP IS NOT FOR JUST ANYONE! Only the talented ! All music genres accepted. please leave feedback and likes when possible throughout the group it is highly appreciated thankyou. This group has its own extended contest group only for the best in the ministry, check it out ! See link for more info - Ministry Of Soundation Contest Groups Music Contest Check It Out ↑ Rules In The Ministry ☢ No swearing be proffessional ☢ No nasty comments, be honest but be fair ☢ Must respect other members ☢ No trolls allowed Co-Admins DJ Fox Heywhatchadoing? ( Co-Admins Will Help Keep This Group Alive And Updated, They Will Be Happy To Help Members With Anything ) Top Groups To Check OuT Music For Fun RAIDERS Music Makerz The Beatmakerz relax, its just music Addict of Soundation Sound of Advancement Music Is Cool The Soundation Masters Soundwave Destructors ONLY BEST MUSIC NEW E.R.A. Above The Influence Team Soundation They will help you with any questions or queries you have about soundation. Summer Music Camp Of Soundation They will help you with anything in the studio such as how to use instruments and effects plus many more learning issues. Soundcloud Users For anyone that has a Soundcloud account feel free to join this group Featured tracks will be changed every sunday!
Music is Cool
Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox": "Heywhatchadoing?": h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17": "DJ Fox": Click "here": to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM": Click "here": to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox": Click "here": to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox": **Electronica:** "wyatt17": "Heywhatchadoing?": "ksmtornado": "DJ LJ[liamboi486]": *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?": **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz": h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music": "Music For Fun": "Music Makerz": "Tornado!": "UrbanNiche": "The Ministry Of Soundation": "The Beats of Tomorrow": "Ministry Of Soundation Contest": "Sound of Advancement": "Sound Generators": "Versus": "PB4L Kings":
Music Theory
HERE IS A .SNG FILE WITH A SHORT CHILLOUT IDEA IN IT HERE IS A .SNG FOR A DNB DRUM BEAT It has come to my attention that many people on soundation don't have a basic understanding of music theory and subsequently some of them find it hard to make there own loops, stay in a key and make nice sounding melodies. I intend to change that by helping those people get to grips with the basics, I will also be giving a few tips targeted at those who already have a good understanding and have to help really improve there musical depth, such as some really neat key changes (Key changes are barely used on soundation), chromaticism, blues notes, extended chords, countermelodies and many more, NEW!!!!: KRackEd EkHo had the idea of having a communal account so people can see the ideas of music theory for themselves as well as getting useful ideas. the user name is '' and the password is 'duskmusicuk' feel free to add new projects and test your ideas for others to see, I'll be putting a few things up for others to use and get ideas from. the only things you cannot do is delete projects, change the password or do anything on the community with this account, this account is purely for use in the studio. if anyone does otherwise the account will be shut down, so please obey by the rules. The Basics: there are 12 notes on the key board A, A-sharp/B-flat, B, C, C-sharp/D-flat, D, D-sharp/E-flat, E, F, F-sharp/G-flat, G, G-sharp/A-flat, check the link to see how these relate to the piano roll ...but you only use 7 at a time because there are only seven in each key, e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) an octave is C1 to C2 as C2 is the 8th note from C1 (as there are seven in the scale) The gap between to note directly adjacent to each other (e.g. B and C or D and D-sharp) is called a semitone, 2 semitones are called a tone (e.g. the gap between C and D is a tone, check the piano roll or link to see for yourself) Major Keys: the pattern of these tones and semitones for a major scale is T,T,S,T,T,T,S (e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) for C major or F,G,A,B-flat,C,D,E, for F major you simply pick a major key and to work out the scale for that key you use the pattern T,T,S,T,T,T,S to find all the notes. Minor Keys: For a natural minor Key the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T,T but for a harmonic minor the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T+S,S (mess around and see which you prefer), so an A (natural) minor scale would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,(A) an A (harmonic) minor would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G-sharp,(A). check this site for more or Basic chords: the most common chord is a triad, it has 3 notes and the have intervals of thirds (in others words they have one note in between them (from the scale of the key), e.g. in C major the notes of the scale are C,D,E,F,G,A,B so a third would be C to E or D to F) in this clip, the chord C major is played first, the first note is C, the next note is E as it is a third away (one note in between), then a G is the next as it is a third away from E this gives you C,E,G and this is how you make triads. check this clip and my comments at the beginning for a proper lesson on chords also check these clips for more on scales and chord sequences (more to come)
Mixing Tips & Tricks
*Welcome to a new Tips & Tricks group!* The subject for this group is MIXING with the purpose of me and you to share and discuss mixing tips and tricks of all sorts! And feel free to ask questions if you have them! So hopefully we can get a discussion going so we can all make our tracks sound the best possible! Or just learn a thing or two. Check out "Andreas Tips N' Tricks": for more sound design/synthesizer tips.
Andreas Tips N' Tricks
Hello everyone. I'm Andreas and I worked as the Production Manager here at Soundation/PowerFX. Part of my work was constantly testing and developing Soundation's features and trying to come up with ideas of how we can do things better. While doing this I sometimes stumble across some really cool ways of creating sounds and I thought I should start to share them with you guys. If you have any tips you would like to share pm me with a short description (what it is, how you would use it and how you create it) and link to an audio example. h3. How To: Create a Powerful Gliding Sub by Tydal Wave 1) Open the mono 2) Change it to Preset 1. 3)Add lowpass filter, keep cutoff under 150hz (around 60 is the best) 4) Try to only use the 3rd and 2nd octaves, those work best for subs. 5) Add an equalizer and have the low side no smaller than 40 and no larger than 75. 6) (Optional) Add reverb and fiddle with it until you find a sound that you like (Brass preset is what works best for me) 7) Have fun! *Check out the audio example: "Powerful Gliding Sub":* h3. How to create a Melodic SuperSaw by Crescendo: 1. Add a SuperSaw channel. 2. Open up Edit Instrument on the SuperSaw Channel 3. Turn decay and sustain to 100% 4. Turn Detune down to 5% and turn down release to 10%. 5. Keep attack down to 0%. FX: 1. Add a Reverb with the Huge Tail preset and turn down the Size by 10% 2. Add a delay with the Oh Yeah preset and turn up the Wet by 5% OPTIONAL: Add a compressor with the Bass Running Hot preset. Recommended to be played in a higher octave. *Check out the audio example: "Melodic Supersaw":* h3. How To: Create a Heavy Bass by Tydal Wave 1)Open Simple Channel 2)Oscillators-Triangle, Saw, Sine,Triangle 3)Set volume on Oscillators 1 and 2 to 100, and 3 and 4 to 0 4)Set Pitch on Oscillators 1 and 2 to -24,with detune on number 2 at +27 cents 5)In filter envelope, set Decay to 73% 6)In Amp envelope, set Decay and Sustain to 100%. Set Release to 13% 7)On filter, set cuttof to 15% and Resonance to 3% 8)Add a filter. Lowpass, cuttoff around 820Hz, resonance 100% 9)Add a second filter, Highpass, cutoff around 60 Hz, resonance 100% 10)Add Distortion, Foldback type 11)Add reverb, Size 89% Damp 67% Width 100% Wet 9% and Dry 100% 12)Add a second Reverb, do not modify it 13)Add yet another filter, lowpass, cutoff around 14000 HZ, Resonance 15% 14)Add a Fakie, make no modifications 15)Add a compresser Attack 9 % Release 12% Ratio 70% Threshold 70 % and Gain to 58 % 16)Load up an new instrument channel with GM-2, set it to sine wave and copy the notes *Check out the audio example: "Heavy Bass":* h3. How To: Create a Dream Synth by KRackEdEkHo 1)Load up the Supersaw Instrument in the blue channel. 2)Add Filter, Reverb with Lush tail preset, Delay, Compressor with Electric Guitar preset, Phaser with Subtle preset and a Limiter to the FX chain. *Check out the audio example: "Dream Synth":* h3. How To: Create a Gun Shot by MΛ➩ŁΔCҚY 1)Load up the SPC Instrument in the blue channel. 2)Chose the "electro house" kit. 3)Select the clap and put the pitch all the way to the left-side. (-24) And put the gain up to 100%. 4) Add reverb for nice echo effect. *Check out the audio example: "Gun Shot":* h3. How To: Create a talking bass by BackBonez 1) Open WUB machine on distorted throat 2) Make oscillator 1 a square oscillator and put it on -12 and put PAN to center 3) Make oscillator 2 a saw oscillator and put it on +12 4) Make a triangle LFO at 19% speed 5) Go to FX and add a degrader of choice. Preferably wrecked 6) Add a vocals reverb if you want to. *Check out the audio example: "Talking Bass":* h3. How To: Create a sick wobble by SiKKaH 1. Open the Wub Machine. 2. In the Analog Filter Section, change it to lowpass, and change the cutoff to 20hz. 3. In the LFO Section set the Speed to 21% and the Type of wave to the first one. 4. On OSC1 change the wave type to the first one, pitch to -21 and OSC Shape to 35 5. On OSC2 change pitch to -12, change the type to the third one, 6. Change MSL, Filth, and Unison to fit your liking, and enjoy! *Check out the audio example: "Sick Wobble":* h3. How To: Create a choir-like synth by XJM This is excellent for those looking for a deep, "heavenly" choir like sound. There are two ways to generate this but the easiest way is with the SuperSaw. The two most important parts you need are two filters, one Lowpass with CutOff around 667Hz and Resonance around 60% and one Highpass with Cutoff around 819Hz and Res around 90%. (This is called a bandpass filter) Release should be raised so you get that tail at the end. Raise the attack to wherever feels most comfortable to you so long as it is NOT staccato (short attacks). Tune the SuperSaw up a little bit but keep it detuned. You can add a Reverb to make it sound as if it's being "sung" in a church or cathedral of some kind. Best range for this sound is between C4 and C5 give or take one or two notes. You can also do this with the Simple virtual instrument just set everything to Saw and detune. Same effects and instrument settings. *Check out the audio example: "Synth Choir":* h3. How To: Create a huge sub bass Fat sub basses are of course the foundation of any bass driven music style such as Drum n Bass or Dubstep but can be used in virtually any music style for great effect. If your bass sound lack power layer this sound with your original bass and it will sound positively huge! Ok here is how to do it. Load The Wub Machine and select the Clean Sub preset. Now add the Degrader FX to the channel and choose the preset Bad Recording. After Degrader load a Filter and choose Low Pass with a CutOff frequency of 500Hz. *Check out the audio example: "BIG BOOOOOOOOOM!":*
Astro Ash
The White Elephant
Sean Foxx
Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly)