Alien.MP3 (thank you joxxster)

me and joxxster were making a collab project and I come back to the project and see this great song I liked it so much that I wanted to basically copy it but I didn't Instead This is what I made. I used no loops.

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Lil 999β™ͺ Avatar
Lil 999β™ͺ4 years ago
add a loud kick at the start and less snares in general, the hi-hat is irregular and the melody seams very off just IMPROVE those points and U GUCCI!
Prod. Zay (formely GT) Avatar
Prod. Zay (formely GT)4 years ago
Add a kick at the start of the notes for it to sound better.
Comander wolf (online) Avatar
Comander wolf (online)4 years ago
Demon2k_2021 Avatar
Demon2k_20214 years ago
wow fire