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about 6 years ago


HellovaTyme Avatar
over 6 years ago


Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)
over 6 years ago


Chordial Avatar
over 6 years ago

I always thought that a lot of your music sounds a lot like Boards of Canada....and then I just realized they're in your description @_@

banskii Avatar
over 6 years ago

This is so good •π•

Outzyder Avatar
over 6 years ago

My receptiveness to the clipping could also have something to do with the type of headphones I have vs. what others may have. Right now, I have $30 Yurbuds® earbuds (Range 27Hz and 2kHz. My previous ones were also earbuds (JVC Marshmallow®) but were WAY more receptive to the base in songs. They had a range between 8Hz and 2kHz ( I REALLY loved them, but they were made cheap ^︵^). I could be more aware of the distortion of the loudness and power of the bases and synths in my tracks.

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over 6 years ago

Parametric EQ won't magically solve clipping, it just lets you change the volume of certain frequencies easier. If you want to get a loud track without clipping, just play around with the volume and keep publishing the track under private. That's at least how I experimented with clipping, you do whatever suits you lol

Outzyder Avatar
over 6 years ago

Well... I didn't know that there are benefits to turning up the vol. of my tracks ~_~ ... but I don't know how I should feel about paying less attention to the clipping tbh. I know of many tracks by other artists that have lower bases, busier synths, and more powerful drum beats but don't have clipping in them. They may use other DAWs to achieve that, but, for me, I still think the Parametric EQ would lessen the clipping while making it sound louder....

Icohedron Avatar
over 6 years ago

I think I'm almost deaf, so I wouldn't hear them anyway \_(U_U)_/

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over 6 years ago

Clipping can be pretty annoying, as even my most popular tracks all clip at least a bit even after proper mastering. Making it quieter does save some quality, but sacrifices listener interest. This track in particular has some smaller details that make it sound great, but someone who just clicks on it without adjusting their volume a bunch wont here them.
