"Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly)" groups



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Brief Overview:* KOTB is a group dedicated to the rap and hip hop genres. Of course, you can post any genre of music you would like to KOTB, but the specific genres rap and hip hop (or trap, trapstep, etc.) are recommended. Also, those genres are more likely to be featured. On to a new subject.. The meaning of the acronym KOTB is "Kings Of The Bass", inevitably with the word 'bass' meaning an 808 kick, not the instrument. Both beginners and experts are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention New Members!: Welcome to KOTB. You may post as much tracks as you want to this group. I also encourage you to listen to the featured tracks. Thanks for joining! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information About the Featured Songs: I change the featured songs whenever I can. I feature songs that I feel deserve popularity. The featured songs can be any genre. Also, you may ask to have one of your songs featured (Keep in mind I have the right to decline your request for any reason). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Just ask me, JR, admin of KOTB. Send me a PM with what you need to know.

Music is Cool

Music is Cool

Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "DJ Fox":http://soundation.com/user/DJ_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM":http://soundation.com/user/dj-xjm Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/dj-xjm-follow-page to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox **Electronica:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing "ksmtornado":http://soundation.com/user/ksmtornado "DJ LJ[liamboi486]":http://soundation.com/user/liamboi486 *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz":http://soundation.com/user/makinbeatz2012 h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music":http://soundation.com/group/OBM "Music For Fun":http://soundation.com/group/music-for-fun "Music Makerz":http://soundation.com/group/the-devilstop-community "Tornado!":http://soundation.com/group/tornado "UrbanNiche":http://soundation.com/group/urbanniche "The Ministry Of Soundation":http://soundation.com/group/TheMinistryOfSoundation "The Beats of Tomorrow":http://soundation.com/group/the-beats-of-tomorrow "Ministry Of Soundation Contest":http://soundation.com/group/ministry-of-soundation-contest "Sound of Advancement":http://soundation.com/group/sound-of-rejuvenation "Sound Generators":http://soundation.com/group/sound-generators "Versus":http://soundation.com/group/Vs "PB4L Kings":http://soundation.com/group/pb4l-kings

Festival Madness (Winners Announced!)

Festival Madness (Winners Announced!)

I want to thank everyone for entering the festival madness contest 2015, it was a tough one to judge with a lot of very good entries! Congratulations to the grand prize winner Xephyr, and the community pick Backslash! You will be contacted shortly about your prizes. We shall see you all next year for another close contest! GRAND PRIZE WINNER: XEPHYR (decided by judges - Calum Hood & Audial) - Soundation Distribution for 1 year - 1 item of your choice from the Sound Shop - A collab with CalumHood (if wanted) - Bragging rights! COMMUNITY PICK: BACKSLASH (decided through voting) - 1 item of your choice from the Sound Shop - A collab with CalumHood (if wanted) When judging the tracks, there will be 2 main scores - Production Quality (mixing/mastering/sound design) and Content (originality, structure, how appropriate it is to the theme). The top 10 tracks that Audial and I judged have been left in the group, so if your track is there and you want to hear some feedback from us let me know!

Visual Network Page

Visual Network Page

GROUP OPEN FOR ANYONE TO JOIN EDIT: Due to real life, I will no longer continue Visual Network https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=550945251744013&id=339234646248409 What is The Visual Network? The Visual Network is a Youtube music promoting channel that I started because I want to give you guys exposure. How can I get a song on it? If you would like a song on the channel, post the song in this group and if I like it, I will PM you and put it on the channel. You can post as much songs as you like. I will only upload a maximum of 3 songs per week. Channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaJtt7sJCu7P1VQ5AEOS7g GROUP RULES 1. Advertising is allowed. 2. No putting other people down. 3. Have fun. Colours House - Light Red/Orange Red Electro - Yellow Dubstep - Dark Blue Drum & Bass/Drumstep - Cyan Trap - Charcoal Glitch Hop - Purple EDM/Other - White Chill - Light Pink Breaks - Brown Future - Pineapple Orange Trance - Dark Red Social Media Facebook Soundcloud

Artists of the Universe

Artists of the Universe

Have fun with making music! I just made this group for some users to hear the others music, give tips and also constructive critic. You are allowed to spam in this group, BUT NOT TOO MUCH! Please only post brandnew tracks you are VERY proud of! I will change the featured tracks every week. _________________________________________________________________________________ PS: A cool Wub Sound : 1)Open a Wub-Machine Channel and take the Saw Lead. 2)LFO-Speed=max. LFO-Section=the first one 3)M.S.L=min. 4)Analog Filter Section= Peak Cutoff=20 000 Hz 5)NO Reese 6)Add a reverb, Preset= Lush Piano 7)Distortion= Foldback Gain= max. 8)Add a filter Cutoff= around 13500Hz Resonance=21% (Lowpass) Now copy the channel and copy the notes one octave higher or deeper! It's finished! _________________________________________________________________________________ And a simple lead instrument! : Choose the simple Channel: Preset 8 On the saw osc: Pitch 0 Filter Cutoff Max FX: Compressor Bass Running Hot Reverb: Cold Cave Distortion: Clip, Gain 5% Fakie Tutorials like this are welcome in this group! When you've got a nice instrument please write it into the comments and I'll probably add it to the description!