Make a track and if you get the most votes then your track gets featured Rule1: No Cursing Rule2: BE friendly Rule3:No spaming tracks or you get kicked.
who can get there song featured?
featured songs that can be featured
King Pudi music post group
Just music to entertain guys. No competition for now. Will get back to you if there is.
Wetwillie gang
I dont care do whatever you want. Just no earrapes. Knock yourself out. Also im going to feature 3 songs that are my favorite at the moment . Jus a heads up lol. Also there are no rules against cussing ;) lol Have fun!
Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
a dead music group
something, btw you can post tracks self promo in comments will get deleted
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Newbies Corner
Hej! Ciao! Hola! Hello! We see you've found the new Soundation's Newbies Corner. :)Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Where you're from, what's your audio background, who are your musical heroes, what are your dream collabs. Feel free to post a question here if you're curious about anything - there are no stupid questions. And if you are a Soundation pro, please don't hesitate to offer your experience and wisdom. We all had to start somewhere!
Share your #Downtempo tracks for a chance to get featured!This group is for music you can fill the dream world with. From Ambient, Electronica, Chill Out to New Age, share your drifting downtempo soundscapes here and get lost in a calming hum of blissed-out melodies. Lovers of Synthwave and Vaporwave, this place is for you too. Wrap yourself in this cloud of sound for hours of contemplative bliss and sonic still frame.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Trap Legends
This group is for those people that know the best genres are Trap/Hip Hop This group is meant to get the undercover bois out on to the charts and the featured page join and support everyone that is in this group Rules: No track spam, Chill on the self promotion and Don't cry if your track isn't getting votes or featured
Make any beat you want that is trap or hip-hop related. Have fun G's.
The Best
post songs; https://soundation.com/t/cg480
Free for all
same rules but use what ever genre you like and don't forget to like my track spiral https://soundation.com/user/jayvon-hunter1/track/spiral
fursonia3 years ago
blimy 2037 downloads :0
㊙Brycen㊙4 years ago
4 some reason dat gif makes me laugh.
☣ 𝐈𝐜𝐞𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐳♪ 4 years ago
Wetwillie 4 years ago
Thx mg
BIG MALC4 years ago
this is my favorite ngl bro
Wetwillie 4 years ago
Brooke♪ 4 years ago
I'd say Lagoon. I love that one. I remember when that was trending.
Wetwillie 4 years ago
not sure
𝕄𝕌𝕊𝕀ℂ 𝓑𝓨𝓣𝓔 ♪ 4 years ago
This vs Lagoon... Which is better?
Wetwillie 4 years ago
yeah prolly