Multi Genre Mixup
Anybody of any music type, tempo, rhythm, or genre can post and listen to other people's tracks.
Music Is The Weapon
Hello! Make yourself at Home! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *•••◄Update►•••* *May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]* Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that's why i'm not putting any specific numbers. There's a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i'm practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want. After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *What the Group is about* This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else's creations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules* § *No Spamming* § *Be Organized* § *Respect Others* § *Be careful with your own Promotions* It shouldn't be that hard to follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured tracks* will be changed whenever I remember to change them.
Ugh. I'm failing school you guys. I cant keep up with this and every thing else. This account might be going idle. How do you feel about that?
The Dreamers and Believers
This group is for the ones who dream over and beyond and believe they can achieve greatness so if you've got the guts to join this group then do so in the name of MUSIC!!! RULES: 1. No cussing 2. Respect each others work 3. Have fun 4. Enjoy Life If you want your track featured then message me with a link and I'll check it out (:
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Killer Dubstep360
*Welcome!* ________________________________________________ *The Rules:* ________________________________________________ No cursing, be nice, *Have FUN!* _______________________________________________ *Featured Users:* *NONE* _______________________________________________ *Cool Groups To Check Out:* *NONE* _______________________________________________ *Thank you!*
genre: beats, dubstep, and trap.
Soundation's Finest Open Studio's
Oozzie here. I wanna hear some over the top shit from this community. Anybody can join this group but if a few certain members deem you worthy then you will be given the log in info to the administrator of this group. Rulez: No arguing: Soundation Drama has reached a new level these days. Here I want you guys to kick back and listen to the groups music and post some too. No spamming: The members who are looking for talent don't have time to listen to a bunch of songs from the same person and as for myself, I just don't want to. Choose what you think is your best track and post it. That's all. Thnx "n" bye.
Opinions United
Post your tracks and get other users' opinions on their songs. I will not permit down right dissing but constructive criticism is alright. If you can not handle taking what you give out, DO NOT JOIN THIS GROUP!!! Although if you want to better your skill please by all means join. Thank you and enjoy. (follow the above statements or you'll be banned from ALL my groups)
Dub-step Lords
Dubstep People
Nothing but dubstep here! Free to join! If you love dubstep this is the group for you!!!!
Glitch Dubstep
Pure, inspirational dubstep of all types. From those dark, hard basses to the high, twitchy beats, this is pure DUBSTEP.
sorry guys I'm leaving for 6 weeks in Ontario for a course so i wont be able to post any new challenges until 6 weeks so this is going to be a month challenge this months challenge: Create a song with out inserting ANY NOTES! that means only use the SIMPLE AUDIO CHANNEL!!!!!!! HEY members please join at forums and get to see future challenges!
Knarled Synthesizers
There is a change in the group feature system! From now on, there will be a new artist every week we will feature. If there is a song produced during that week, they may request to have it featured in place of a previously featured track. So, PM me if you think you, or someone you know, deserves a week dedicated to them! Thanks guys, you're really making this group grow. Hello, welcome to Knarled Synthesizers! We're a small, relatively active group of music producers. Some of us are veterans, with experience in the field, while some are but beginners. I appreciate you looking at our page! I'm still new to the whole group administrator thing, but I'm learning with time. I'm very surprised at how fast we've grown! I know it's only a little more than ten, but that's still around one a day. You see so many groups die immediately. This is already more than I had anticipated, and I thank everyone for that! Anyways, uhm, group goal and things. In my opinion, I think we should just do whatever! The feedback I've received from the members here has driven my motivation, and inspiration, through the roof! I think that if you like making, listening to, or talking about music, you should join! I haven't had a problem with any rude, discourteous people yet, and I don't think I will anytime soon. Now, I don't think we're even close to the point of hosting contests and things, so I'll leave that for another time. I will change my featured tracks whenever the time feels right to change them, usually that's when someone posts an awesome track. I will never have more than one of my own tracks featured at once, as it feels selfish and rude to all of the others that have made music deserving of the position as well! Thanks for reading, and join up if you want to talk to me, or anything of that nature! Oh, and there is no genre specific track requirements. Although, I would prefer it be made without library samples. -NEW- ~Be on the Look-Out List~ I sort of stole this idea from BASS4ROG, but, there are a few people in my group with no where near the amount of exposure they deserve. This is just a list of up-and-comers. 1. Xephyr - This kid is talented and highly active on Soundation. He has around twenty tracks, and most of them are either really amazing, or have a lot of potential. Check him out, and make sure to tell him what you think. 2. dApl8ya - He's been a part of the site longer than I have. He took a little break, but he's back. He's always given me feedback, and all of his songs are sweet. Check dude out, and let him know what you think. LET ME KNOW IF THERE IS ANYONE THAT YOU BELIEVE DESERVES A SHOUTOUT WITH A PM OR COMMENT. SEND ME ONE OF THEIR SONGS, AND I'LL CHECK THEM OUT. THANKS.
Newbies Corner
Hej! Ciao! Hola! Hello! We see you've found the new Soundation's Newbies Corner. :)Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Where you're from, what's your audio background, who are your musical heroes, what are your dream collabs. Feel free to post a question here if you're curious about anything - there are no stupid questions. And if you are a Soundation pro, please don't hesitate to offer your experience and wisdom. We all had to start somewhere!
DUTCH6 years ago
This still is a masterpiece to this day
Ŧreadr12 years ago
dead.12 years ago
Nice! Im EXTREMLEY Impressed!