"M3TAPHOR **Rap Contest Admin**" groups

Music Theory

Music Theory

HERE IS A .SNG FILE WITH A SHORT CHILLOUT IDEA IN IT https://www.mediafire.com/download/dbvjymvbqt3xr7u/Chilled_song_for_you_guys_to_get_ideas_from.sng HERE IS A .SNG FOR A DNB DRUM BEAT https://www.mediafire.com/download/6d61bs9aclzkbn9/DnB_beat.sng It has come to my attention that many people on soundation don't have a basic understanding of music theory and subsequently some of them find it hard to make there own loops, stay in a key and make nice sounding melodies. I intend to change that by helping those people get to grips with the basics, I will also be giving a few tips targeted at those who already have a good understanding and have to help really improve there musical depth, such as some really neat key changes (Key changes are barely used on soundation), chromaticism, blues notes, extended chords, countermelodies and many more, NEW!!!!: KRackEd EkHo had the idea of having a communal account so people can see the ideas of music theory for themselves as well as getting useful ideas. the user name is 'DusksMusicTheoryProgram@gmail.com' and the password is 'duskmusicuk' feel free to add new projects and test your ideas for others to see, I'll be putting a few things up for others to use and get ideas from. the only things you cannot do is delete projects, change the password or do anything on the community with this account, this account is purely for use in the studio. if anyone does otherwise the account will be shut down, so please obey by the rules. The Basics: there are 12 notes on the key board A, A-sharp/B-flat, B, C, C-sharp/D-flat, D, D-sharp/E-flat, E, F, F-sharp/G-flat, G, G-sharp/A-flat, check the link to see how these relate to the piano roll https://www.ehowtoplaypiano.com/piano-lessons/piano-notes-for-songs/ ...but you only use 7 at a time because there are only seven in each key, e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) an octave is C1 to C2 as C2 is the 8th note from C1 (as there are seven in the scale) The gap between to note directly adjacent to each other (e.g. B and C or D and D-sharp) is called a semitone, 2 semitones are called a tone (e.g. the gap between C and D is a tone, check the piano roll or link to see for yourself) Major Keys: the pattern of these tones and semitones for a major scale is T,T,S,T,T,T,S (e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) for C major or F,G,A,B-flat,C,D,E, for F major you simply pick a major key and to work out the scale for that key you use the pattern T,T,S,T,T,T,S to find all the notes. Minor Keys: For a natural minor Key the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T,T but for a harmonic minor the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T+S,S (mess around and see which you prefer), so an A (natural) minor scale would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,(A) an A (harmonic) minor would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G-sharp,(A). check this site for more https://www.loopblog.net/tutorials/music-theory-tutorials/understanding-basic-scales-more-loop-fun/ or https://www.music-tutors-uk.com/Theory/scales.html Basic chords: the most common chord is a triad, it has 3 notes and the have intervals of thirds (in others words they have one note in between them (from the scale of the key), e.g. in C major the notes of the scale are C,D,E,F,G,A,B so a third would be C to E or D to F) in this clip, the chord C major is played first, the first note is C, the next note is E as it is a third away (one note in between), then a G is the next as it is a third away from E this gives you C,E,G and this is how you make triads. check this clip and my comments at the beginning for a proper lesson on chords https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/the-basics-of-chords also check these clips for more on scales and chord sequences (more to come) https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/simple-chord-sequence-in-c-major-sequence-i-v-vi-iv-1-5-6-4 https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/harmonic-minor-scales-a-minor-to-d-minor-pattern-t-s-t-t-t-s-s https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/major-scales-c-major-to-f-major-pattern-t-t-s-t-t-t-s

Legit Training

Legit Training

Hey, this group is for training your skills and showing off your skills anyone can join so please be appropriate. If you like this group tell your friends to join! If their is an inapropriate comment, I will delete it and if you're in the group I will kick you out of it and block you. Rules: ⊙DO NOT SPAM! -—————————————————————————————————————— ⊙Do not disrespect members, especially the group Admin. -—————————————————————————————————————— ⊙Help members if they need help, don’t just simply say “No”. -—————————————————————————————————————— ⊙Act mature, do not say immature words whatsoever. -—————————————————————————————————————— Thanks for Reading this, ~ M3taphor

Project Z (RPG)

Project Z (RPG)

Dear Newcomers, This group is where anybody can post music and listen to others. I will be having monthly contests to see how far this group will get in soundation. I will ask for permission to use songs in an RPG I'm working on. We can learn off of each other and I will answer any questions you have if you send me a PM. Any bad comments will be deleted. I will be working with Sharp Note. His group link is https://soundation.com/group/max-music Sincerely, FlatNote WARNING! __________________________________________________ CONTEST END 1. Untold and Unseen 14.5 / 15 2. Symmetry 14.2 / 15 3. Stay Positive 13.8 / 15 4. Halloween 12 / 15 5. Rap Beat 11.8 / 15 6. Tribal Destruction 11.7 / 15 6. LiquidLightSpeed 11.7 / 15 7. Moon of Dreams Ma-lacky Remix 9.5/ 15 8. Where the dogg at? 7 /15 9. 2k time 6 / 15

The Logo Creator

The Logo Creator

Request a logo or graphic! Comment below to do so. PAST WORK: NOTE: Full resolution images are available by request. These images are fine for most profile images. Just PM me if you want the full-up image. Fugie's second: http://tinyurl.com/tlcfugie2 FireMeetsIce's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcfiremeetsice DJThunderstorm's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcdjthunderstorm wyatt17's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcwyatt17 Sound of Supremacy's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcsoundofsupremacy Anirath Robin's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcanirathrobin BASS4ROG's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcbass4rogfix ImperialGold's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcimperialgold Snow Fox's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcsnowfox DJ L.J's (Option 2): http://tinyurl.com/tlcliamboi486solid DJ L.J's (Option 1): http://tinyurl.com/tlcliamboi486dotted MΛ➩ŁΔCҚY's second: http://tinyurl.com/tlcma-lacky2fix DJ Brisk: http://tinyurl.com/tlcdjbrisk Converse Connection's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcconverseconnectionfix MΛ➩ŁΔCҚY's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcma-lackyfix Fugie's: http://tinyurl.com/tlcfugiefix



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Brief Overview:* KOTB is a group dedicated to the rap and hip hop genres. Of course, you can post any genre of music you would like to KOTB, but the specific genres rap and hip hop (or trap, trapstep, etc.) are recommended. Also, those genres are more likely to be featured. On to a new subject.. The meaning of the acronym KOTB is "Kings Of The Bass", inevitably with the word 'bass' meaning an 808 kick, not the instrument. Both beginners and experts are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention New Members!: Welcome to KOTB. You may post as much tracks as you want to this group. I also encourage you to listen to the featured tracks. Thanks for joining! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information About the Featured Songs: I change the featured songs whenever I can. I feature songs that I feel deserve popularity. The featured songs can be any genre. Also, you may ask to have one of your songs featured (Keep in mind I have the right to decline your request for any reason). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Just ask me, JR, admin of KOTB. Send me a PM with what you need to know.

Music is Cool

Music is Cool

Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "DJ Fox":http://soundation.com/user/DJ_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM":http://soundation.com/user/dj-xjm Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/dj-xjm-follow-page to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox **Electronica:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing "ksmtornado":http://soundation.com/user/ksmtornado "DJ LJ[liamboi486]":http://soundation.com/user/liamboi486 *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz":http://soundation.com/user/makinbeatz2012 h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music":http://soundation.com/group/OBM "Music For Fun":http://soundation.com/group/music-for-fun "Music Makerz":http://soundation.com/group/the-devilstop-community "Tornado!":http://soundation.com/group/tornado "UrbanNiche":http://soundation.com/group/urbanniche "The Ministry Of Soundation":http://soundation.com/group/TheMinistryOfSoundation "The Beats of Tomorrow":http://soundation.com/group/the-beats-of-tomorrow "Ministry Of Soundation Contest":http://soundation.com/group/ministry-of-soundation-contest "Sound of Advancement":http://soundation.com/group/sound-of-rejuvenation "Sound Generators":http://soundation.com/group/sound-generators "Versus":http://soundation.com/group/Vs "PB4L Kings":http://soundation.com/group/pb4l-kings

Sound Generators

Sound Generators

This group is aimed to both teach and demonstrate how to generate your own sounds using the instruments inside soundation studio. This group will primarily focus on making your own sounds and note clips to use in your own tracks but also show you how to make sounds work within a track. You should have some musical knowledge when you join this. Though you will learn some musical terms if you don't know a whole lot about music. I hope you get your joins worth in this group :) Sound sharing is okay encouraged! If you discover a sound that you would like to share with the group just write a comment with the instrument, values of that instrument, effects used (if any), and values of those effects (skip this if no effects). You can make a spreadsheet or document with the instruments and effects (if any) used to produce a particular sound (Example: http://tinyurl.com/6wocp3c ). You can also save a track as a .sng (Soundation Studio's sound file) and send it to whoever would like to use it. Announcements! Starting January 1, 2013 I will be disallowing all track ads. I will be giving this group more focus at the start of the new year. You will only be allowed to post sounds you have discovered and would like to share. Track posting may be disabled as well. Other Helpful Groups Beat Hunters (SPC User Group) Andreas Tips N' Tricks NOTICE I may begin to clear out the tracks page and give this group more focus. This said, I may disallow track ads for this group in the future. I will give more details on this when I sort them out.