
Almost 9 years ago
This was supposed to have vocals. The collab was canceled. She was always in my heart <3 Love you, Aubz ;D

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[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]9 years ago
I tried using palm muted guitar and house piano as an expirement:
Snowtrance Avatar
Snowtrance9 years ago
The VA SYnth is free. You just look under your instruments in the chrome studio and it should be there. If you aren't using chrome it won't work.
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]9 years ago
I dont have premium, if VA synth is only for it, if its not, Where do you find it? xD
Snowtrance Avatar
Snowtrance9 years ago
The VA Synth would take care of this if you tweaked it just right ;)
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]9 years ago
hmm, weird, I commented that twice
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[this project has concluded]9 years ago
Well, that still helps, I asked my friend if this song was made in soundation, what instrument would be used? I'm thinking Mono synth or something
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]9 years ago
Well, that still helps, I asked my friend if this song was made in soundation, what instrument would be used? I'm thinking Mono synth or something
Snowtrance Avatar
Snowtrance9 years ago
This was the ZynAddSubFX instrument in LMMS :D
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]9 years ago
That explains a whole lot..... Do you still have any idea? xD