It's a nice song, no enough of your stuff though, from what I can here there isn't a single software instrument, try using them to make your song your own creation rather than just sticking loops together. And by the way in what universe is this 'house', why did you enter in the KRackEd EkHo House contest (aka Wubmachines and Supersaws Contest)?
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
the title says dubstep not house srry but this song is eliminated from the contest
JR quit12 years ago
nicely done man!
theoftus12 years ago
There's no brostep! It would have made it wayyyy more dubsteppy!
TAGGEST12 years ago
i was just messing aroud and forgot to delete it
Audial12 years ago
It's a nice song, no enough of your stuff though, from what I can here there isn't a single software instrument, try using them to make your song your own creation rather than just sticking loops together. And by the way in what universe is this 'house', why did you enter in the KRackEd EkHo House contest (aka Wubmachines and Supersaws Contest)?
TAGGEST12 years ago
i hope you like the others as well
timmysplit12 years ago
i like it