Bittersweet Nothings
Euphorical beat Newer
Da bass explosion
Euphorical beat
Crazy Pandas
Random Rave
only the best songs made ever join the group make songs and enjoy the group****************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz join are group:]
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Ugh. I'm failing school you guys. I cant keep up with this and every thing else. This account might be going idle. How do you feel about that?
This is a group created to blend video games and the awesome music that comes with it. Feel free to post any kind of video game-inspired music here! A Couple Things To Note: -I will try to change around the featured track a lot -Please be respectful and only criticize constructively -Some of us are very musically talented, others... not so much. Keep that in mind. Also, make sure to check out Revolution Of Sounds by winning1232
2019 https://soundcloud.com/dakmondusk
~- JayWheelz Promote All The Way -~
*UPDATE:* I promote JayWheelz because he kicks ass at what he does and, I am an Entrepreneur. I am with The Legends Network and you can learn more about what I do for a living here: https://thelegendsnetwork.com/ln1048481 https://www.LegendsHangout.com/ln1048481 https://www.TLNLive.com/ln1048481 I am finally living my dreams out, ya'll. Now, I am doing what I have been wanting to do for sooooooooooo long. HELP SUPPORT JAYWHEELZ BY GETTING HIS VIDEOS UP TO 1 MILLION VIEWS. HE JUST RELEASED A NEW TRACK CALLED, "Life Changes": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewFLDhz0cyc <- "Life Changes" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7rgqaUtpkk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBj_JxbKgNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51QCGatpoKM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCPZcfALNdY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJa8RfHUSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TawyxevnDn0 Changing it up. Thinking it into existence. Making it happen. I will let ya'll know what my future project is and how it will affect the future of my career or yours, possibly. *+Administrator+ - ItsCarlyo* ~Yours truly, Carl
Beats, Beats, Beats Join Now Post Your Song's And Get To The Top 5 Voted! Then If Your number 1 for a week, your song is the song of the week, This Group is for future track making professionals!
The Beats of Tomorrow
This is a group where everyone gets a fair shot at having their music featured! If you have a good song and you want to get it out there let me know and I'll see what I can do for you! Also the group "Music For Fun" is willing to help you with any questions you have and the admin is very helpful!
Swag Beatz.The best of the best,forget the rest.
Hey Im going around checking everyone out =] Comment and Ill check you out and add if i think you have what it takes. haha this isnt like serious or anything so no sweat, we're all here for the same reason.. passion for music.. so share your talent.. Im Melanie and I love discovering new people. This group is to share and create the best music we can. We like the crazy beats, over the top, or down right bass beasts. So if you wanna join, get poppin, cause there ain't no stoppin. ;]
Anyone can join
Nik Q