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Swag Beatz.The best of the best,forget the rest. Group Profile Picture
Music Genre
Created June 01, 2012

Swag Beatz.The best of the best,forget the rest.

Hey Im going around checking everyone out =] Comment and Ill check you out and add if i think you have what it takes.

haha this isnt like serious or anything so no sweat, we’re all here for the same reason.. passion for music.. so share your talent..

Im Melanie and I love discovering new people. This group is to share and create the best music we can. We like the crazy beats, over the top, or down right bass beasts. So if you wanna join, get poppin, cause there ain’t no stoppin. ;]


Michotic Avatar
over 8 years ago

https://soundation.com/t/d6bc0 This has vocals and live guitars kind of a nightmare before christmas vibe. If you like it check out my other new song US. Thanks feel free to leave feedback.

paulinaomel Avatar
about 11 years ago

Hey, look at my track. Do u like my music?

dead. Avatar
over 11 years ago

Could I be thrown in? I got some pretty good tracks. (Even though im kind of like "The rest") http://soundation.com/user/XM920/track/i-am-xm920

South Beats Avatar
South Beats
over 11 years ago

I was wondering if i can join your group hears some beats that i made http://soundation.com/user/south-beats/track/adidas-1 http://soundation.com/user/south-beats/track/its-to-much

Xodus Avatar
almost 12 years ago

Can you throw me an invite?

Ma-Lacky Avatar
almost 12 years ago

EPIC NEW DUBSTEP TRACK!!!!! -----> CHECK IT OUT!!!!! Paranormal

Ma-Lacky Avatar
about 12 years ago

The Dubstep WIP

mellybean21 Avatar
about 12 years ago

Hey guys, been busy lately, gonna inv some more.. shake it up a bit

Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper
about 12 years ago

invite plz heres a track 4 ya http://soundation.com/user/fugie/track/twisted-fate
