BHNA Fan Base ❤️
❤️ Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia fans ONLY! No Manga spoilers PLEASE! Fan-made music is acceptable! ❤️Question of the week - Favorite meme of boku no hero academia?
Soundation's King Contest
This is a group where the users of Soundation will pick a Soundation king, or queen for that matter. There will be preliminaries, finals, and then the KING (OR QUEEN) WILL BE CROWNED!!! There are 4 categories, Trap, Dubstep, EDM/House, and Mixed. (Mixed is for users who use all different styles of music.) Ya'll will vote for a user in each category. 4 will be selected for each category. That will be Preliminaries. Next you'll vote for The Winners of each category. That will be the finals. Last, THE ULTIMATE KING!!!! So far we'll have narrowed it down to 4 users, 1 from each category. Then, the ya'll vote one more time. Whoever gets the most votes wins. it's as simple as that. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Voting Process, Each user can vote one time in each round. You can only vote for people in this group/contest. You cannot vote for yourself. Votes from bots WILL NOT COUNT. You can vote by PMing me your vote and I will say something like, "Your vote has been counted". $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Preliminaries start April 1. And the categories you can vote for will be Trap and Mixed. Plz put the link for your song in the groups comments if you wish to compete in this round. Entries need to be at least 50 percent soundation and 100 percent original. Enjoy. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I AM HAVING TROUBLE DECIDING BETWEEN DUBSTEP OR DOWNTEMPO!!!!! LET ME KNOW IT THE COMMENTS WHICH ONE I SHOULD CHOOSE!!!
Soundcloud Users
Feel free to join if you use Soundcloud as well :) Send links! If you don't know what soundcloud is go here (Soundcloud's website) and see for yourself. Basically it's an online community of music producers of all genres and styles.
Shadow Clan
Stay in the shadows and never fold! #ShadowGang
Well just PM me and i will see if i want to feature it or not. First person to pm me gets one of there tracks featured.WEll Have FUN
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
yo, i wanted to start a group, so here we are. post whatever you want, as much as you want. there's pretty much no rules. feel free to promote others and yourself, and have fun :) ps if you want a feature pm me a link to your song and i will decide whether to feature it or not follow lil taco he is too underrated ---> sub on yt 👽
Music or Death
Only loud music: like Dubstep, Bigroom, or Metal style no melodic music like Soundwave,White Clouds or Colors... Tracks Example: DVBBS - Inmortal Different Heaven - Pentakill Herobust - Move mint --------------------------------------------- Track to listen this week on Youtube Omar Valera - Last One ----------------------------------------------------------- Listen our music:
Soundation Stars
This Group is for all the stars of Soundation! Keep Shining!
This group is for minecraft inspired music and fans of minecraft in general.
ElectroMusicNation presents you the best tracks of the best djs of Soundation in all the geners ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our best House collection Thergoy x Composed - Retrosonic (36mass remix) Thergoy - Retrosonic (mondaze remix) K I W X I - Cyberworld (Original Mix) Our best Trap collection Loueiplus - West Shii (Original Mix) K I W X I - Slaugther (Original Mix) LUMBERJAXX - Spread My Wings Our best Dubstep collection E-Zence - Spacebound (Original Mix) SLOCM3Z - Bleeding Stars (Original Mix) K I W X I - Eclipse (Original Mix) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best DJ's of ElectroMusicNation . E-Zence . Unique Stereotype . Magicowls . Electric Dreams . Foresight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < \/ Our Time Music \/>
Any Music
On this group you can share any songs that you would like more people to notice. So probably put your best songs on here. Everyone is welcome!! If you listen to anybody song and you do not like it don't put any bad comments on it. Just leave some feedback. Please do not post wips on this group.
Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
the legends
join if u want to hear some good music and have fun
Kiani #kiko 4 years ago
⁹⁹⁹𝓒𝓞𝓝𝓣𝓐𝓖𝓔𝓢♪ [offline] 4 years ago
ya the snares sound weird
Kiani #kiko 4 years ago
thx peaches tip taken
Peachesꕥ (inactive)4 years ago
Snare is kinda loud. Cool track, overall. Also, I like the title :)
kingizback4 years ago
yeah me either could not have done it with u and lil taco
Kiani #kiko 4 years ago
thx couldnt have done it without yung nudy and lil toco
WICK BEATZ4 years ago
nice track Fearless!
cryinqclouds4 years ago
love this